
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Garlic Ginger Chicken Nuggets #NationalGarlicMonth

 Store bought chicken nuggets drenched in a sweet and spicy sauce.  The Teen was in heaven.

Garlic Ginger Chicken Nuggets

The Foodie Extravaganza Gang are celebrating National Garlic Month.......
Radha of Magical Ingredients is hosting today and informed us that April is National Garlic Month.  Radha asked that we share a favorite garlicky recipe.  I LOVE garlic and use it almost every day.  I'm anxious to see what the others are sharing.........

Jolene of Jolene's Recipe Journal also 

Garlic Ginger Chicken Nuggets pin

Time for true confessions....I keep a stash of convenience foods in my freezer and pantry.  These are great things to have on hand when you have failed to plan a dinner or when the dinner you have planned gets put on hold because the Teen has friends over and you don't have enough servings in your planned menu.

So, we always have frozen chicken nuggets or unbreaded strips, potstickers, pizza rolls, and assorted veggies in the freezer.  I also always have precooked packages of Quinoa ad Brown Rice, those are for me.....I love that mixture and often zap some up for me when I am giving Frank his preference of steamed white rice.

This recipe takes a 2 lb. package of Breaded Chicken Nuggets and drenches them in a homemade sauce that takes less time to prepare than it takes to airfry the nuggets.  The Quinoa/Brown Rice packets take 90 seconds in the microwave and I also zapped some frozen stir fry veggies so I didn't have to feel to guilty about those chicken nuggets LOL.

This makes enough chicken nuggets to serve a lot of hungry teens/young adults.  Frank and I enjoyed them too.  These are also a great treat to serve up with some Ranch Dressing and Carrot and Celery Sticks on an appetizer buffet at your next Game Day........

Entrees, Chicken, Dinner, quick, easy, convenience food, garlic, ginger
Entrees, Chicken
Yield: 8 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
Garlic Ginger Chicken Nuggets

Garlic Ginger Chicken Nuggets

Store bought chicken nuggets drenched in a sweet and spicy sauce.
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 15 MinTotal time: 20 Min


  • 2 lbs. Frozen Breaded Chicken Nuggets.
  • 2 T. butter
  • 6 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 T. ginger paste
  • 1/2 c. gochujang
  • 1/2 c. brown sugar
  • 1/4 c. ketchup
  • 2 T. cider vinegar


  1. Cook nuggets per package directions, I used my air fryer.
  2. Melt the butter in a saucepan over med heat. Add the garlic and ginger and cook for a minute, until fragrant.
  3. Stir in the gochujang, brown sugar, ketchup and vinegar. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring constantly until slightly thickened, about 1 minute.
  4. Toss the chicken nuggets in the sauce and serve.


Adapted from a recipe found in Delish.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)

11.15 g

Sat. Fat (grams)

4.18 g

Carbs (grams)

21.21 g

Fiber (grams)

0.16 g

Net carbs

21.07 g

Sugar (grams)

16.5 g

Protein (grams)

10.82 g

Sodium (milligrams)

138.03 mg

Cholesterol (grams)

48.45 mg


  1. Oooh, I love gochujang and keep a tub in the fridge! I love the sound of this sauce. Perfect for dressing up the nuggets.

    1. Yes, it is an easy way to add some homemade flair to a convenience food.

  2. I always have gochujang in the fridge too! And no shame in having some easy to nuke/air fry things in the freezer. I did too when there were teens at home!

  3. I love gochujang and always keep a tub in my freezer, must try these!

  4. Gochujang is my favorite one to use often. Along with garlic, this dish would hit the right stops.


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