
Wednesday, October 13, 2021

White Clam Pizza #FoodnFlix

Fresh Mozzarella cheese, sweet chopped clams and peppery arugula combine to make this delicious pizza that will make you feel as if you are visiting the Amalfi coast.

White Clam Pizza

I was inspired to make this pizza and open a bottle of wine after watching the 1994 film Only You for FoodnFlix this month......

Only You

Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla is hosting our FoodnFlix Club this month and has invited us to watch Only You.  You are welcome to join in the fun and can learn how by reading Cam's invitation post and the Food n Flix guidelines.  

This film starring Marisa Tomei and Robert Downy Jr. is a hoot.  Mostly because the actors are so young in it.  The film starts with a teenaged Faith (Tomei) and her brother playing on a Ouija board underneath a full moon.  Faith asks about her "soulmate" and the ouija board supplies the name Damon Bradley.

In the next scene Faith and her two best friends, one of whom becomes her sister in law, are at a carnival.  Faith goes in to see a fortune teller who says that her crystal ball is showing her the name Damon Bradley and that this is a very important name in Faith's future.

White Clam Pizza

Fast forward to Faith as an adult sharing pizza and wine with her friends and announcing her engagement to a podiatrist named Dwayne.  Faith is not sure that she is making the right decision because in the back of her mind she is still searching for Damon Bradley.

I noted that the bottle of wine was from Ironstone.  I thought this was a fun fact because October is #MerlotMe month and one of the Merlots I sampled was from Ironstone. I had also paired the Ironstone with pizza as you can see from the photo below.  You can learn more about that in this post.

pizza and wraps with wine

Okay....back to the movie.....I tend to get sidetracked sometimes.......

While at Dwayne's house trying on his mother's wedding dress that she is expected to wear, the phone rings.  Faith answers as Dwayne is not at home.  The person on the other line apologizes that he cannot come to the wedding as he is at the airport, flying out to Italy.  He identifies himself as Damon Bradley and hangs up.

What ensues is a fun escapade through airports, onto planes and into Italy.  You could tell that this film was definitely pre 9-11.  There were no security stops and Faith's friends are able to bring her a suitcase of clothes as she runs onto a plane heading to Europe.  

While searching for Damon Bradley, Faith loses a shoe that is recovered by Robert Downey Jr.  As he places the shoe back onto Faith's foot, Cinderella fashion, she explains that she is looking for her soulmate, Damon Bradley.  Downey acts flabbergasted and says that he IS Damon Bradley.  And so the romance begins..........

White Clam Pizza pin

There is not a ton of food in this movie.  Lot's of alcohol, wine, beer, soda, pizza, the mention of sandwiches.  There are tons of restaurant meals, none of which we see other than a platter of  fish and salads that get dumped on the floor as Faith bumps into a waiter while running out to chase down Damon.  We do see breadbaskets,  a biscotti dipped in coffee and chocolate gelato. There are wrappers from Butterfinger bars and the mention of shrimp scampi.

If you are looking for a fun movie I would reccomend this.  It is silly, lighthearted and requires no serious thinking.  I am sharing a Pizza recipe with you that you can enjoy with some wine while you watch.  Cheers.

PIzza, Seafood, Clams, Cheese, Quick, Easy
Yield: 4 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
White Clam PIzza

White Clam PIzza

Thin, crispy crust flavored with garlic and Italian herbs, scattered with cheese and chopped clams and dressed with baby arugula.
Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 15 MinTotal time: 20 Min


  • 1 refrigerated European Style pizza crust
  • 1/4 c. good olive oil
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic, minced
  • kosher salt
  • 1/2 c. shredded Mozzarella cheese
  • 2 (6.5 oz) cans chopped clams drained
  • Dried Italian Seasoning
  • 2 T. grated Parmesan cheese
  • Baby Arugula


  1. Unroll the dough and place on a piece of parchment.  Mine came with the parchment wrapped around the dough.
  2. Combine the garlic and olive oil.  Brush half onto the pizza dough and sprinkle with a bit of kosher salt.  Scatter the Mozzarella and Clams over the dough, leaving 1" around the edges. Drizzle with remaining olive oil and garlic mixture.  Sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese and Italian herbs, to taste.  
  3. Place onto an inverted cookie sheet or pizza stone that has been preheated in a 475* oven.  Bake for 12-15 minutes, until crust is golden brown and cheese is melted.
  4. Cut and then sprinkle each slice with some baby arugula before serving.


Adapted from a recipe from Food Network

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)



  1. Thanks for joining the party and I'm glad you enjoyed this light-hearted romance. I love it! And I would love your pizza. Good eye on the Ironstone. I don't think I have ever noticed that. Now I'll have to watch it again. LOL.

  2. Fun and light movie. I love your pizza tie-in. YUM!


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