
Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Potato Puffs #FoodieExtravaganza

What do you get when you combine mashed potatoes with pate a choux?  These amazing and delicious Potato Puffs.  How fun is that?!!

Potato Puffs

We are celebrating National Potato Day.......

Foodie Extravaganza

Karen of Karen's Kitchen Stories is hosting the party this month and asked us to bring a dish that celebrates the humble potato.  The potato is the most eaten vegetable in the USA and yet, I don't ever even think of them as a vegetable.  I try to make sure that my meals contain a protein, often but not always meat; a starch, often potatoes but also pasta, rice and bread; and one or more vegetables that are not potatoes.

dinner plate

In the case of these potatoes, they were served as a starch with a grilled steak (protein), corn off the cob and a tossed salad.  Sometimes I consider corn a starch as well,  however my husband always considers corn a vegetable and wants it nearly every single day when in season.  

Back to the potatoes.....I get so off track sometimes.   Let's see what dishes everyone brought to the party today.........
Potato Puffs

These wonderful little puffs of deliciousness are time consuming but worth every minute and you can make them ahead of time up to the frying portion of the recipe. The most time is spent making your mashed potatoes, then a few minutes to whip together the pate a choux before using a stand mixer to bring it all together. While the potatoes are cooking, cut some parchment paper into squares onto which you will be piping the potato puffs before frying. I used a deep fryer for my puffs but you can use a deep pot filled with about 2" of oil. I use canola oil in my deep fryer but you can use vegetable or peanut oil if that's what you have on hand. 

Potato Puffs pin

When it is time to fry the puffs, leave them on the parchment and place them into the oil with the potato facing downward. The parchment falls off as the potatoes cook at which time you can remove it and flip the potatoes to cook the other side. When they are puffed and golden, remove them to a paper towel lined plate and into a low oven to keep warm while you fry the rest.

potatoes, deep frying, side dishes, vegetables
Vegetables, Potatoes
Yield: 4 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
Potato Puffs

Potato Puffs

What do you get when you combine mashed potatoes with pate a choux? These amazing and delicious Potato Puffs. How fun is that?!!
Prep time: 40 MinCook time: 15 MinTotal time: 55 Min


  • 1 large russet potato
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 2 T. half and half
  • 2 T. butter
  • 2 T. flour
  • 1 egg + 1 egg yolk
  • oil for deep frying


  1. Peel the potato, cut into eighths, and place in a pot. Cover with cold salted water and bring to a boil over high heat.  Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until the potatoes are fork tender. Pass the potatoes through a ricer or mash with a masher until smooth.
  2. While potatoes are simmering, cut a sheet of parchment into 12 squares.
  3. Combine the cream, butter, salt, pepper and 2 T. water in a saucepan over medium high heat and bring to a boil.  Remove from heat and, using a wooden spoon, add the flour, stirring vigorously until the mixture pulls away from the sides of the pan.  Return to heat and cook for 3-4 minutes until glossy, stirring constantly.
  4. Transfer the pate a choux to the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment.  Beat on med high speed for a minute.  Add half of the potatoes and the egg, beat until incorporated.  Add the remaining potatoes and egg yolk and beat until smooth.  Transfer to a parchment bag or a plastic bag with the corner snipped off.  
  5. Pipe onto parchment paper squares while oil is heating for frying.  If not using a deep fryer, heat about 2" of oil in a dutch oven to 325*,
  6. When oil is hot, invert the potato puffs and place them in the oil with the parchment still attached.  The parchment will fall away from the puffs and can be removed as they fry and can be removed with tongs.  Continue to fry the puffs until golden brown, turning as needed.  Remove the puffs to a paper towel lined plate and place into a low oven to stay warm while cooking the rest of the puffs.


Adapted from a recipe found at Food Network.

Nutrition Facts



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)



  1. Potato puffs, are delicious better than fried potatoes.

  2. Oh Wendy! These are totally calling my name!!

  3. These look great, Wendy! I rarely deep fry but might have to make an exception for your potato puffs.

  4. These look great and this a very creative idea. Bookmarking your recipe.

  5. These potato puffs look amazing! Definitely worth the effort to make and perfect for pairing with the steak.

  6. Yum! These look so good! And I'm not sure I would agree with your husband. I don't think I would ever make corn and potatoes for the same meal. That's would definitely make me BIG & POOFIE!!!


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