
Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunchoke Chips and a Book Review #SundayFunday

Sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem Artichokes. are a tuberous vegetable from the sunflower plant that can be served in much the same fashion as any other root vegetable.  I chose to slice these thinly and fry them up for a snack.

Sunchoke Chips

This makes a perfect Sunday Funday snack that you can fry up and enjoy while curled up with a good book.  I recommend The Black Swan of Paris by Karen Robards..........
Sue of Palatable Pastime is hosting today and invited us to explore this unique and tasty vegetable.  I was familiar with Sunchokes as I have gotten them from my CSA.  I have also gotten them from Melissa's Produce for past events that they sponsored.  I prepared those by roasting them with potatoes and mushrooms in this post.

Evidently Sue and I are the only Sunchoke lovers in the group.  Well, Cam is too but she was tied up with family stuff today and didn't get posted so it is just the two of us today.  Sue made Chili Garlic Smashed Sunchokes that look absolutely amazing.  Check them out!!

Black Swan of Paris novel

Quite a while back I won an advanced release copy of this novel by Karen Robards.  It has been sitting in my queue waiting for me to catch up on other reading.  I finally sat down with it and was instantly hooked.

It is the story of famous singer Genevieve Dumont who is being used as a smoke screen by her manager who is a spy for the resistance during WWII.  Genevieve Dumont has many other secrets that she is trying to hide as well.  In her past life she was known as Genevre and is now estranged from her parents and sister who, unbeknownst to her also work for the resitance.  When her parents are arrested and her father executed, Genevieve, reengages with her sister and they work together to save their mother from a similar fate.

Genevieve as a star is often thought to be a collaborator with the Nazi regime and lives high on the hog as she watches her fellow countrymen starve and become homeless.  

Historical fiction is one of my favorite genres and I greatly enjoyed this novel.  The tie in with the sunchokes came during the very last chapters of the novel where Genevieve is now known as Giselle Martine.  

"As Genevieve Dumont, she'd been priveleged to partake of the same food as the German invaders.  As Giselle Martine, she starved on Jerusalem artichokes, that food for cows, and turnips, and greens."

I read this the same day that I was preparing the Jerusalem artichokes for this event.  Providence....

Bouza Tannat

 It was also providence that on the day I was making these sunchoke chips I was scheduled for a twitter chat celebrating #TannatDay.  I seasoned these chips with a rosemary salt and paired them with the wine while chatting.  You can read all about that pairing and the pairing with the Smoked T-Bones we had for dinner after the chat in this post where you will also find the recipe for that steak.

vegetables, sunchokes, jerusalem artichokes, snacks, chips,
Snacks, vegetables
Yield: 4 servings
Author: Wendy Klik
Sunchoke Chips

Sunchoke Chips

Sunchokes, also known as Jerusalem Artichokes. are a tuberous vegetable from the sunflower plant that can be served in much the same fashion as any other root vegetable. I chose to slice these thinly and fry them up for a snack.
Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 15 MinTotal time: 30 Min


  • 4-5 sunchokes, well scrubbed
  • Canola Oil for frying
  • 1 T. kosher salt
  • 1 t. finely minced rosemary leaves


  1. Using a mandolin or sharp knife slice the sunchokes as thinly as possible.  Immediately place in cold water to prevent browning.  Drain and rinse three times and then dry as completely as possible with paper towels.
  2. Place the salt and rosemary in a small bowl and combine.
  3. Meanwhile have about 3 - 4 inches of oil in a deep pot over med high heat.  When oil reaches about 375* add the sunchoke slices, in batches, frying until browned and crisp.  Remove to a paper towel lined plate and sprinkle with some of the flavored salt while still warm.
  4. These chips become crisper as they cool.  Make them a couple of hours before you want to eat them.  Place any leftovers in a plastic bag that seals.  They will stay fresh and crisp for a few days but I don't think you will have them that long.



Fat (grams)


Sat. Fat (grams)


Carbs (grams)


Fiber (grams)


Net carbs


Sugar (grams)


Protein (grams)


Sodium (milligrams)


Cholesterol (grams)

Created using The Recipes Generator


  1. These look great! I bet they would be wonderful with a bean dip or guacamole. Thanks for cooking with me this month!

  2. Book sounds great and the chips look delicious !

  3. I like sunchokes, and the chips look tasty, but unfortunately, they don't agree with my digestion, for some reason. Will try to get hold of the novel as it sounds like one I'd like.


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