
Friday, November 30, 2018

A Man Called Ove #FoodnFlix Round-up

Join me today as I share a round up of recipes inspired by the movie A Man Called Ove.  It is a fun, warm, heartfelt movie that I hope everyone enjoyed.

Food 'n Flix
It was my pick for November's Food n Flix Club........

Wow, Debra of Eliot's Eats responded nearly immediately with a wonderful review and a wonderful array of goodies to celebrate this film and the Holidays.

Debra says "I wanted to put together my own romantic supper, a meal that celebrates a time when Ove was the happiest."  This Charcuterie Platter containing two original recipes from Debra is perfect.

Debra posted her recipe at the very beginning of the month.  Then I didn't here anything more from anyone until November 27th. One day before the deadline for submissions I got this wonderful recipe from Amy of Amy's Cooking Adventures.

Amy was skeptical as this genre of book and movie are not her normal choices but she ended up reading and watching this month.  I really pushed Amy out of her comfort zone with this choice. She read a heartwarming book, watched a movie with subtitles and cooked with saffron.  

Evelyne of CulturEatz followed closely on Amy's heels.  Evelyne had never even heard of this movie and ended up enjoying it very much.  She chose to go with a Persian Dish, Reshteh Polow.

Evelyne says, "I am particularly fond of the food from Iran so I went with the ‘very good rice’ comment Ove made at one point. But this is a special rice filled with many surprises."

Next in was Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla.  Camilla loved the movie so much she watched the movie 3 times before returning it.  

Camilla found inspiration in Sweden where the movie is set.  Cam and her family love Swedish food and she shared this lovely recipe for a soup that sounds fantastic. This is what she had to say.  "So, coming in just under the wire, I made a soup inspired by Swedish meatballs for this month's Food'N'Flix. And I had ground venison, so I used that in my meatballs. Smaklig mÃ¥ltid!"

Our leader of FoodnFlix, Heather of All Roads Lead to the Kitchen shared with us a Swedish tradition called Fika where friends gather together for coffee and cake.

Heather explains; "Apparently, fika is often used as a verb ("Let's fika later!"). I love this concept, and decided to make a common addition to fika - Kardemummakaka, or Swedish Cardamom Cake".

I came in just under the wire with the rest of the group.  I took advantage of Holiday Leftovers with this recipe for Tachin Joojeh using turkey instead of chicken.

I am so happy that everyone seemed to enjoy the movie.  It is always a crap shoot when you invite this group to view a film with you.  We all have different tastes which is what makes this group so much fun and so interesting.  One thing is always a certainty though.....there are always some amazing recipes come round up time.

Please join us in the fun next month as we watch Love Actually hosted by Debra of Eliot's Eats.  You can learn all about how to participate by reading this article.


  1. It's always a bit scary when I host a round of FnF or CtB and all the submissions come in at the last minute. :) I'm usually right in there myself. The only reason I was uber early was because I loved the book and film so much I watched Ove this summer! (Even if I didn't make my board until Octoberish.) Thanks for hosting such a great round!

  2. It really was a charming movie, Wendy. And I'm looking forward to reading the book. I think I'll take it on our trip to Denmark next month. Thanks for hosting.

    1. Denmark! How fun....I have a grandson in Denmark so I am very jealous.

    2. I didn't see this comment until now. Where in Denmark is your grandson?

    3. They live in Vejle. They were here to visit the summer before last. His dad was one of our exchange students.

  3. I'm so happy we got together for a "virtual fika" this month, Wendy - thank you for hosting, and for the great movie pick!

  4. nice share, thank you for the post,, I love to read your food recipes..


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