
Monday, March 5, 2018

Grilled Tacos

Happy Mexican Monday.  Hopefully you have your meal already planned for this evening.  We are having a pasta dish that I will be sharing with you next week.  Should you not have your meal planned yet this recipe is quick, easy and your family will love it.

I find that having themes for my Meal Plan is very helpful so we celebrate Meatless Monday or Mexican Monday, Taco Tuesday or Toddler Tuesday, Fish Fridays, Soup or Stew Saturdays and Sunday Suppers.

Sometimes, like the recipe I'm sharing today, the dish fits several different categories.  This is perfect for Mexican Monday but I served it up to my granddaughter on Toddler Tuesday which is also Taco Tuesday.

This is a little amped up from your regular tacos.  I had served up a fiesta of chicken enchiladas, hard shell tacos, green rice, and refried beans for our neighbors on a Saturday night.  This dinner was made repurposing the leftovers of taco meat, flour tortillas and cheese.  I served it up with the rice and beans on the side but it makes a completed meal all by itself when you add some lettuce and tomatoes to the plate.

Grilled Tacos

1 lb ground beef
3/4 c. water
1/4 c. taco seasoning
6 flour tortillas
shredded Mexican blend cheese
sliced lettuce and diced tomato for serving

Brown the ground beef in a skillet over med high heat.  Drain if necessary. Add the water and taco seasoning. Cook and stir for 5-10 minutes until water is absorbed.

Heat a griddle or cast iron pan over high heat.  Lay a tortilla onto the griddle. Place 1/6 of the beef onto half of the tortilla.  Sprinkle the beef with a handful of cheese. Fold the tortilla over the filling and grill until the tortilla starts to brown in spots and the cheese starts to melt.  Flip and cook on the other side.  Remove to a baking sheet in a warm oven until all the tacos are done grilling.

Serve garnished with lettuce and tomatoes. Print Recipe

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