
Friday, February 23, 2018

Begone You Pesky Virus!!! and the Weekly Menu

I am finally feeling back to almost normal.  Well enough that I can start thinking about seeing my family and friends that I have been ignoring for over a week.  When you add into that equation that I had been on vacation the week before can see how badly I am missing everyone.

So tonight I am going back into the land of the living and attending a party where we make signs with my friend, Kirsten.  Frank is meeting our son, Tony, to go to a comic con and will have dinner with him.  I will probably have a tuna or peanut butter sandwich before the party.

Tomorrow our neighbors are joining us for dinner and Sunday we are having family dinner with our great niece, Lil, Amy, Doug, Nic and Pierre.  We also are finally getting to spend the day with our Angel Face who we haven't seen in over 2 weeks.

I did, however, get this video of her helping her Mama grocery shop.  She is a girl with a mission!!!

The rest of the week will be life back to normal.  Meetings at church, food pantry, taking care of Mel, visiting Aunt Irene, choir, etc.  Well one thing is new....On Thursday, my husband is unretiring and going back to work part time for the same agency from which he retired a couple of years ago.

So here is what's on our Weekly Menu.  Please stop by and visit each day as I share A Day in the Life on the Farm.

Guacamole & Chips
Chicken Enchiladas
Green Rice
Apple Pie

Salad with Apples/Fennels/Roasted Beets
Roast Pork Loin
Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Mushrooms
Brownies ala mode

Meatless Monday
Mac and Cheese

Toddler Tuesday
Chicken Stir Fry
Steamed Rice

Take out over at Aunt Irene's

BBQ Pork Sandwiches (with leftover roast)

Fish Friday
Crab Cakes-moved from last week
Sweet Potato Fries
Cole Slaw

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