
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Bierocks: Celebrating Oktoberfest with #FoodieExtravaganza

This month the bloggers over at Foodie Extravaganza are celebrating Oktoberfest.  This party is being hosted by Sue of Palatable Pastime who invited us saying:
"September is the month for the Munich Oktoberfest. Let's celebrate by sharing our favorite Biergarten and German Cuisine inspired recipes!"
Foodie Extravaganza is a fun group that gets together each month to celebrate Food Holidays. Sometimes they are popular holidays like Oktoberfest or Thanksgiving or popular foods like chocolate in February or cookies in December.  However,  sometimes they are very obscure holidays, like World Gin Day.  Yep, I made a cocktail but not the kind you are thinking of.......stop on by and see my Shrimp Martini.

Back to this month's theme.  I love German foods and wasn't sure what  I was going to share having already posted Wiener Schnitzel, Sweet and Sour Cabbage , Fondue, Lebkuchen, Bratwurst Salad, to name a few.

Then I remembered my friend Paula, of Smidgens, Snippets & Bits, often had Bierocks on her Weekly Menu.  When I asked her about them she sent me a link to this recipe from  I had never heard of these meat and cabbage stuffed rolls from Germany but I must be the only one because the website was full of recipes.  I read them all, and noted that they are similar to dumplings or hand pies.  They remind me a bit of Pasties that we enjoy here in Michigan.

They can be as easy or as difficult to make as you want.  You will need bread dough for making the rolls.  You can use my recipe for dinner rolls and use on half, freezing the other half for next time, use your own favorite recipe or buy some frozen bread or dinner roll dough at your local grocers.

Mix together some burger, onion and cabbage.  Season with salt and pepper and let it cook, stirring occasionally for a half an hour or so.  Then set it aside and let it cool while your dough makes it's first rise.

Punch down the dough and divide it into 20 pieces.  I made a full recipe of the filling but only took out 8 frozen dinner rolls to use in this recipe.  I will be making another recipe with the remaining filling and sharing it with you at a later time.  

Roll out each piece and place 2 Tablespoons of the cooled filling into the center of each.  Gather the corners together and seal the edges.

Place seam side down onto a baking sheet that has been treated with cooking spray.  Cover and let rise for another hour. 

Bake in a preheated 350* oven for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.  Remove from the oven and brush immediately with melted butter.


Freshly made bread dough or frozen dough, thawed
1 lb. lean ground beef
1 onion, chopped
1/2 med. cabbage, cored and shredded
salt and pepper to taste
1/2 stick butter, melted

Bring the dough through a first rise.  While the dough is rising, cook the ground beef in a large skillet with the onions and cabbage,stirring occasionally, until the beef is browned and the veggies are tender.  Set aside and let cool until dough is ready.

Divide the dough into 20 equal pieces.  Roll each piece out and place 2 Tablespoons of the meat/veggie filling onto the center.  Gather the corners together and seal the edges.  Place, seam side down, onto a baking sheet that has been treated with cooking spray.

Bake in a preheated 350* oven for 25-30 minutes, until golden brown.  Remove from oven and immediately brush with melted butter. Print Recipe

More Oktoberfest Fun Foods


  1. These sound heavenly! And World Gin Day...that's a thing? Do you suppose there's a World Vodka Day too?

    1. I imagine there is....there seems to be a day for everything under the sun.

  2. These look so delicious, thank you sharing a wonderful recipe, can't wait to try this out.

  3. Yum! That filling looks absolutely wonderful. It has been way too long since I have had Bierocks.

  4. Thanks for the shout out my friend. Now I want to make bierocks. It has been a good while. Harley isn't crazy about them. So I will have to make just a few!! Yours look delicious!!

    1. Thanks and thanks for the recommendation. Frank and Melody loved them.

  5. Not sure that I have had these (although they look similar to Cornish pasties) but sound tasty!


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