
Friday, August 11, 2017

There is no place like home.....and the Weekly Menu

We had an awesome time on our Alaskan Cruise and I cannot wait to tell you all about it.  We have tons of photos that I will be sharing as soon as Frank is done with all the editing.

Meanwhile, I have a few shots to share.....a teaser of sorts LOL.


We had a whole week to relax and breathe....we laughed, we danced and we enjoyed our time together.

We got to spend a lot of time with our Marina.  She was able to join us each night for dinner and on all the excursions.  It was so nice catching up with her and reconnecting in person.  It makes me very happy that we have social media and are able to stay in touch on a daily basis but nothing beats being able to share a hug, a glass of wine and a laugh.

The weather was perfect.  Sunshine on 6 of the 7 days and no rain at all, just some fog.  The temps were in the low to mid 70's the entire trip.

The scenery was breathtaking and the views from our balcony were astounding.  It was a perfect trip but like all trips.....I am very happy to be home.

I will be spending tomorrow catching up on laundry, hitting the farmer's market and going to the grocery store.  I am hoping that I get to see our Little Angel Face tomorrow or Sunday.  I really missed that baby!!

Sunday is our Parish Picnic.  An outdoor Mass at Noon followed by a pot luck.  I am taking some cookies to share.

The rest of the week is pretty typical.  We have Melody on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Frank is having a procedure done to his hand Wednesday afternoon but it is not supposed to affect his everyday life other than to make it better.  He has a disease known as Deputyren's.  The tissue inside the hand thickens and contracts making it difficult to use your hand efficiently.  The doctor seems to think some injections will fix the problem.

I am sharing our Weekly Menu and will be back each day with recipes, photos and posts for different events.  I would love to have you join me.

Grilled Steaks
Roasted Red Skin Potatoes
Cauliflower Gratin

Hamburgers on the Grill
Corn on the Cob
Baked Beans

Pork Tenderloin with Broccoli and Pineapple

Italian Chicken and Wild Rice

Steak and Spinach Salad

Stuffed Peppers

Fish Friday
Shrimp and Veggie Stir Fry

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