
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

S'Mores Ice Cream #BacktoSchoolRecipes #FantasticalFoodFight

Did you know that July is National Ice Cream month?  Well, it certainly is and I can't think of a better way to beat the heat.  That is why I was so excited when Sarah of Fantastical Sharing of Recipes and host of Fantastical Food Fight chose it as our theme this month.

We are also halfway through our #BacktoSchoolRecipes event where we are sharing ideas for breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks so that you are all prepared when you wake up to realize that, once again, you blinked and time flew by.  I know that Fall seems far away right now but trust me it will be here before you know it.

Fall makes my yearn for S'Mores so I have been sharing some great S'Mores recipes with you this week.  So far we've had Clusters that you can tuck into a lunchbox as a special treat and Cookies that are a great snack when you walk into the house famished.

Today, since we are celebrating all things Ice Cream, I decided to take S'Mores in that direction. I adapted a basic Chocolate Ice Cream recipe that came with my Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker.  The recipe calls for 1 part whole milk and 2 parts heavy cream.  I substituted half and half for the entire recipe and then added in the S'Mores goodies during the last few minutes of churning.

The ice cream is rich and decadent with a deep dark chocolate flavor that lingers in your mouth. Every once in a while you get the surprise of a crunch from the graham crackers interspersed with the smooth, soft chewiness of the marshmallows.

S'Mores Ice Cream

3/4 c. cocoa powder, sifted
1/2 c. sugar
1/3 c. brown sugar, packed
3 cups half and half
8 squares (4 sheets) of graham crackers, roughly crushed
1 1/2 c. miniature marshmallows

Sift together the cocoa and sugars bowl.  Whisk in the half and half until the sugars are dissolved. Cover and refrigerate over night.  Pour into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturers directions, adding the graham crackers and marshmallows during the last 5 minutes of churning.  Serve immediately for soft serve or place into a container and freeze for at least 4 hours for a hand scooped serving.  Print Recipe

More Ice Cream Recipes


More Back to School Recipes


  1. That sounds delicious. Chocolate and marshmallow belong together. Subbing half and half is brilliant!

  2. You are killing me with all of these s'mores recipes! I love s'mores (and ice cream!)

    1. Hah....I was going to try to do a whole week of em but then other events interfered so you only get three days.

  3. What an amazing recipe. This sounds delicious. this is going on our Sunday list! --Traci,

  4. Yum! sucker for chocolate ice cream and with marshmallow it is another notch up. :-) or is it the graham crackers -:-D I love them both in any form!

  5. That sounds absolutely delish! Using half and half takes a little guilt out of eating it...

  6. Two of my favorite things on one!! So happy to be cooking with you again! :)

  7. I know my kids would love love love this ice cream. They are obsessed with s'mores :)

    1. I'm sure that all your S'Mores lovers would be happy, Sarah.

  8. My daughter is a chocoholic and she would love this. Looks amazing!!!

  9. You can never go wrong with S'mores at any time of year, but especially in the summer. I love the ice cream outlet for the classic flavor profile.

    1. Thanks Lauren. It sounds like you are having a wonderful summer.

  10. Very tempting ice cream Wendy. Crunchy, chocolatey and with soft marshmallows... what a medley of textures and flavours.

  11. S'mores ice cream?!? Genius! This sounds amazing!!!!


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