
Monday, May 1, 2017


My friend, Sid, of Sid's Sea Palm Cooking, invites us each month to link up on the First Monday and share our most favorite recipe of the prior month.

This is a difficult choice and each month I struggle with it.  I had several again this month that I loved like Frutti de Mare, Dolmathes and Ifisashi.  It was a very varied month for International recipes, as you can see.  The recipe I am choosing to share is also from another Country, France to be exact.

I finally bit the bullet and tried my hand at Macarons.....I don't know why I was so intimidated by these light airy cookies that are crunchy on the outside and tenderly moist on the inside.  They were really not very difficult at all and I was so pleased with the results that I couldn't wait to share it with you again.

More First Monday Favorites


  1. How cool is that? We both picked our macarons post to feature today!!!!

    1. Yes, the pro and the novice....I hope one day mine will be as perfect as yours, Sally.

  2. Great minds thinking alike. You and Sally that is. I'm so going to have try my hand at these, sometime. Thanks so much for stopping by and linking up.

  3. yum! those macarons look great!

  4. I have yet to try my hand at Macarons. I keep putting it off as I'm really intimidated by it. Any tips you could give me? :)

    1. I was too, Jas, but it really was much easier than I thought it would be. Sally is the expert so look to her blogs for tips. I did make sure my eggs were at room temperature.

  5. Congratulations!! I was lulled into macaron complacency after my first try. Then.... cracked macarons on my third try! I've been nervous ever since! These look wonderful. Heading over to check out your recipe!

    1. Shheeeesh and here I thought I was in the clear Karen LOL


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