
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Ginger Pork Soup and a Giveaway #worksmarter #sharpenyourkitchenIQ

KitchenIQ contacted my friend, Cam of Culinary Adventures of Camilla and offered her and some of her fellow bloggers an opportunity to receive product to use in recipe development.  They also generously donated products for each of us to raffle off to our readers.

I had received a KitchenIQ zester previously from our generous sponsor and I use it all the time.  It makes such quick and easy work of an otherwise tedious job.  I have never received any monetary compensation from KitchenIQ and have never been required to share anything other than my honest opinion of their products.

I had also previously been given their spice grater, which also works for zesting fruit as you can see.  Now I must admit that this item does not get used as often as the zester, which I also use for grating spices.  They both work equally well, however the zester is in a drawer right next to my work station and the grater is in a cupboard so it is just more convenient to grab the zester.

I received a new tool for this event.  The grate ginger tool.  This tool takes care of all your ginger needs.  It peels, grates and slices.  It works just as well for your other aromatics like garlic or horseradish.  As you can see, it did a great job of peeling the part of ginger that was, then, so easily grated.  We enjoy Asian food and flavors so I think I will get use out of this product.

All three of these products are being offered in a raffle for you, my readers, through the generosity of KitchenIQ.  You will find the raffle following my recipe for this amazing soup.

We have been on an Asian kick around here lately.  Yesterday I shared my recipe for Asian Inspired Pork Kabobs and tomorrow I will be sharing Ginger Marinated Tuna Steaks.  We enjoyed these dishes last week and I had some pork left that I had planned on making into Pork and Asparagus Stir Fry this past Saturday.  However, we ended up meeting our friends, Rob and Linda, for dinner out at a Mexican Restaurant.  

Faced with the pork which needed to be cooked, having company coming for dinner on Sunday, and the desire to serve soup as a first course sent me on a recipe quest and lead me to this great soup by Better Homes and Garden.  It not only took care of all those desires but it also gave me an opportunity to showcase the Grate Ginger Tool.  I had used KitchenIQ tools in the preparation of the other dishes I mentioned however the #BBQWeek event is being sponsored by another company, #Miasparagus. Michigan Asparagus is also sponsoring a giveaway.  You can find that raffle in my post for Grilled Asparagus Tart that I posted last Monday.

Ginger Pork Soup
adapted from BHG

6 c. chicken stock
8 oz. pork loin, trimmed and cut into 1/2" dice
salt and pepper to taste
1 lg. onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
2 t. grated ginger
1 T. olive oil
2 carrots, scraped and sliced
2 med tomatoes, seeded and chopped
1/2 c. small pasta (I used mini farfalle)
4 c. thinly sliced napa cabbage
1/4 c. snipped mint leaves

Place the chicken stock in a soup pot over med high heat and bring to a boil.

Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a skillet over med high heat.  Add the pork, garlic, ginger and onion. Season with salt and pepper and cook until pork is brown.  Add a ladle of the hot stock to the skillet, and deglaze, scraping any browned bits from the bottom of the pan.  Transfer all contents of the skillet to the soup pot.

Add the carrots and tomatoes, reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook for 15 minutes.  Add the pasta and cook for an additional 6-10 minutes, until pasta is al dente. Stir in the cabbage and mint before serving.  Print Recipe

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks for this! I just used the ginger tool for the first time last night. What a workhorse. And your recipe looks amazing, Wendy.

  2. I think I could really use the Ginger grater

  3. I think I'd use the zester quite often

  4. I am most interested in trying the spice grater.

  5. I'd love to win the Grate Ginger Tool. We use a lot of fresh ginger, and this tool looks like it would work better than the one we've been using.

    1. I think you will love it as well, Amy. Good luck in the raffle.

  6. The Grate Ginger Tool is exactly what I NEED.

  7. The Ginger grater would help me rock my recipes!


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