
Friday, May 27, 2016

Weekly Menu during our Garage Sale

We got everything ready and set up for our garage sale that started yesterday.  There is a lot of truth to that saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure".  We sold over $500 worth of treasures yesterday and things are going pretty well today.

In between customers I have time to plan and share our weeky menu.  It is going to be a busy week as we put our house onto the market for sale.  It is a holiday weekend as well so we want to take a moment to thank all of our service members who have paid the price for our freedom and for those who are protcting us today.

I had tuna noodle casserole on the menu for tonight because I thought I would still need soft food after my surgery yesterday.  Thankfully that is not the case.  I have no pain or swelling at all.  Yay!!!
So I pulled out some Cod, now I just have to decide how to prepare it.  

Tomorrow night we are meeting friends for dinner at a local steakhouse and Sunday we are attending a BBQ at Frank's sister's house.  Thursday we are going out again with friends so while I won't have a lot of meals to share I will be sharing those we have so make sure you stop by each day for photos and recipes.

Out with friends

BBQ and R&R's

Grill Roasted Yukon Golds
Spinach Salad

Risotto with Chicken, Asparagus and Herbs

Grilled Ham Steak
Mac and Cheese
Grilled Carrots

Out to dinner with friends

Fish Friday 
Grilled Fish Tacos


  1. Did I miss you telling us about your surgery!! I hope you are on the mend fast! WOW, surgery and a garage sale and getting your house ready to sell. You are my hero Wendy!!

    1. Just a little lesion on my tongue that they wanted to take off and biopsy. Oral surgeon is 99% sure it is nothing. I just wasn't sure how long I would have to eat soft food but as it turns out I am fine. Thanks.


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