
Friday, April 29, 2016

The upcoming week and the weekly menu

Good morning all.  It is a good morning albeit an annoying one.  Yesterday we went and bought a new desk top computer for the house.  We decided to go with a Mac.  We have apple phones and Frank has an Ipad so he wanted to check them out.  They were on sale, bringing them more into line with the other computers that they had so we ended up buying it.

Frank brought it home, hooked it up's broke.....the screen display is all jiggly and it appears as if the pixels are bleeding.  Hey, these are very technical terms here!  Any hoooo....last night he got on line with tech support, who went into our computer remotely and the screen they saw was perfect. Frank is packing it up now and we will be taking a trip back to the store.  The tech guy said they will just give us a new one.  A minor annoyance and an excuse to get in the car for a half hour and finish our audio book...we didn't want to leave the car last night after choir LOL.

Tomorrow, weather permitting we are taking down the old pool in preparation for installation of the new pool we bought during the winter at a tremendous price.

Sunday we will be singing in the morning.  In the evening we are going out to dinner and downtown to the Fox Theater to see the cast of ABC's Nashville perform.  Do you watch Nashville?  We love that show and we are looking forward to seeing them live.  This is our Anniversary celebration as Monday marks our 24th year of marriage.  What a wonderful 24 years it has been.

We are also celebrating a blogging event this week.  #BrunchWeek 2016 starts on Monday and goes all week long.  There will be great brunch recipes and even better raffles for our readers.  I am a little jealous that I cannot enter these raffles.  There are some specatcular gifts being given away.

Tuesday night we are attending Danielle's Spring concert.  Wednesday we are celebrating Frank's Birthday.  Thursday is choir practice. Keeping our fingers crossed that our days will have nice weather so that we can get the yard ready and have Frank's birthday celebration on the deck as we are grilling burgers.

Here is the weekly menu.  Don't forget to stop by for the #Brunchweek event starting tomorrow.

Three Meat Stew
Oatmeal Dinner Rolls

Out to dinner and show for our anniversary

Mexican Monday
Chicken Enchiladas

Teriyaki Chicken
Steamed Rice
Stir Fry Veggies

Wednesday-Frank's Birthday Bash
Hamburgers/Hot Dogs/Chicken Breasts 
Condiment Tray
Baked Beans
Seven Layer Salad
Potato Salad by Rebecca
Birthday Cake


Fish Friday
Breaded Cod
Rice Pilaf
Steamed Broccoli


  1. Oh my gosh you are such a beautiful couple. You both look so young!! A gorgeous picture Wendy. Happy Anniversary! 24 years is awesome!! And please tell Frank Happy Birthday for me!! A luscious looking weekly menu!

    1. Thanks Paula....a couple of pounds each year really adds up LOL. I was 34 and Frank turned 40 2 days later.


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