
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bloggers CLUE Society celebrates Easter

Get ready for some great recipes to help you plan your Easter dinner this month.  I have been sharing Bloggers C.L.U.E. with you for quite a while now.  I love this group but I started thinking that perhaps I am not clear to you as to why I love it so much.  Today I am going to share the description of this group as it is written on our facebook page so that you can understand how wonderful it really is.
Welcome to C.L.U.E. Much like the game, this blogger society involves secrecy, fun, challenge and cooperation with the other game playing members. The good news about this, however, is that in the end, everyone's a winner.

This is how it works.

Each month you'd receive the name of a food blog, a theme (e.g., Thanksgiving food for November or something red for February), and a post date (the second Wednesday of the month).

Your job will be to hunt through the blog you're given for a recipe that appeals to you and fits the month's theme, then to write a post about that recipe, as made in your kitchen, then to post it on the specified date. That's it.

Well, maybe not it, but close. The name of the blog you're given every month is no longer secret (like in the first few months), but the dish you choose and remake WILL be a surprise. So keep that a secret.

We also ask that you don't change the recipe too much. One of the reasons for this society is to help each other. Changing something that someone else worked really hard to create isn't very fair to them. So, when you make the dish, tweak it, but just a little, okay?

We also want to ask you to help us grow. Would you please recommend five bloggers to us that you think would be a good fit (established blogs, experienced cooks, willing to participate as much as possible)?

It's our hope that this group will introduce each of us to new people, stretch our culinary interests, and be a whole lot of fun.

Now, that you can see how relaxed and wonderful it all is, please let me know if you are interested and I will pass your information on to our administrators.

This month I was excited to get assigned to Sue of A Palatable Pastime.  Sue not only has tons of wonderful recipes her instructions are concise and complete.  It is a pleasure to make one of her recipes.  She includes tips, shortcuts and adaptations that you can use.  It makes your job very easy.

I chose to make these delicious cloverleaf rolls that would be perfect to serve for Easter.  They could be served at breakfast, brunch or dinner so whatever meal your family enjoys on Easter, these rolls have you covered.  They are so delicious and so easy to make.  You will sit back and enjoy the accolades and nobody else will ever know how easy they were. An added bonus is that since they are "cloverleaf" rolls they would be perfect for the upcoming St. Pat's holiday too.

I made a couple of adaptations.  The first was to create my own soft wheat flour, using the instructions provided by Sue to first deduct 3 T. per cup of AP flour and then add in 3 T. per cup of cornstarch.  This is different than when I make cake flour substituting only 2 T of cornstarch per cup of flour.

The second adaptation was that I let the dough sit overnight in the refrigerator before baking them in the morning. This greatly reduced the second rise time.

I was so pleased with how well they turned out and how delicious they were.  I served them up using my butterfly bread board that I had gotten as a sponsor gift last month from Uncommon Goods.  I have a feeling these rolls are going to become a regular in this household. Thanks Sue!!

Cloverleaf Rolls
very slightly adapted from A Palatable Pastime

1 c. warm water (110-120*)
4 1/2 t. (2 pkgs) Active dry yeast
1 stick butter, melted and cooled
1/2 c. sugar
3 eggs, lightly beaten, room temperature
pinch of salt
5 c. flour and 1/2 c. cornstarch, whisked together or 5 1/2 c. soft winter wheat flour

Place warm water in warmed bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook.  Add the yeast, butter, sugar, eggs and salt.  Run mixer on low, adding flour mixture 1/2 c. at a time until the dough comes together, adjusting flour amount so that all flour is incorporated and dough comes together in a ball. You want the dough to be soft but not tacky.  If necessary add additional flour a tablespoon at a time to get the right consistency.

Turn dough into an oiled bowl and place in the refrigerator overnight.  In the morning, turn the dough onto a lightly floured surface.  Divide the dough in half.  Divide each half into quarters and then each quarter into thirds.  Roll each third into a log and divide each log into 3 even pieces.  Roll each piece into a ball and place three balls into each cup of a 12 cup muffin tin that has been sprayed with cooking oil.  Cover loosely with a warm damp towel and let rise for 1 hr.

Bake in a preheated 375* oven for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown.  Print Recipe

Check out these other great Easter recipes


  1. I'd love these fluffy gems on my Easter table! Great choice, Wendy!

  2. These rolls bring back memories from childhood Easters. My mom made these every year. I really should learn how, so thanks for sharing. Pinned to give them a try.

  3. Your rolls are beautiful! Homemade rolls are a wonderful addition to an Easter celebration...actually, any celebration!

  4. These look quite tasty! I love BREAD!!

  5. Making homemade rolls (and these look delicious) always reminds me of holiday dinners whether it be Xmas or Easter. Great pick!

  6. What a perfect choice for this month's theme! Looks divine!

  7. I LOVE cloverleafs! Yours look lovely!

  8. Your rolls look mouthwatering! A perfect accompaniment to any dinner! A great choice for the Easter theme!

  9. Mmmmm, homemade rolls! They look absolutely amazing. Thanks for the tip on letting the dough sit overnight too. I'll definitely be doing that.

  10. So fun! They even ALMOST look like little bunnies! :)

  11. Great job with the rolls! They look beautiful. One of my favorites.

  12. These would be perfect for almost any special occasion dinner with the bonus of leftovers for breakfast. Nice choice, Wendy!


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