
Friday, December 11, 2015

A Hot Cup of Comfort for #Food n Flix

Welcome back to Food n Flix.  The fun little club that has us all watch the same movie and then share our thoughts on the movie as well as a recipe that it inspired sometime during the month. December's movie, chosen by Kimberly of Coffee and Casseroles, is The Jane Austin Book Club. You can find Kimberly's invitation here on her announcement post.

Image result for jane austen book club

This is a star packed movie about a group of women who decide to read their way through Jane Austen's novels in the hopes of distracting one of the member's. Syliva. whose husband just left her for another woman.  They are joined by a male member, Grigg, who they recruit to fix up with Sylvia but who joins because he is attracted to the member who invited him, Jocelyn.

Confused?  You won't be once you start watching the movie.  I had never seen nor even heard of this movie that was released in 2007.  I did a search for it on demand and it was scheduled to play on December 3rd so I set it to record.  A few days later I had time to sit down and watch it.  I was a little disappointed to realize it was a television version so some of the content was removed to make it viewable in the time allotted.  Having not seen the movie before, I don't know what they removed but the movie did flow along nicely and I didn't notice and gaps in information.  

It is a story about women dealing with what life throws at them with Grigg available for a man's perspective.  It is a story of relationships and tribulation.  It is a story of friends gathering to give comfort to each other as they deal with the trials and tribulations of their individual lives.

There was some food included.  Appetizers were served at each of the gatherings and many of the scenes took place in restaurants. But mostly there was alcohol...cocktails, beer, wine, brandy, martini's, whiskey.  There were also soft drinks...soda, lemonade, coffee, tea.  

I happened to watch this movie during a time of trial and tribulation in my own household.  My mom, who will be 95 years old on Sunday and suffers from dementia/Alzheimer's disease, is now suffering from age related congestive heart failure.  Mom had lived with us for several years until I was no longer able to care for her and she was placed in a memory care center a year and a half ago.  Now she is back home with us again on hospice.

In case you are new to this blog and don't know it...I have the best husband in the world.  He is my constant support and strength.  He always has my back and when I need comfort I don't have to join a book club, I just turn to him.  One of the ways he comforts me is by brewing up some tea and serving me a hot toddy when I am feeling under the weather.  Sometimes that is due to illness and sometimes, as now, it is due to stress.  Let me tell you, Frank's hot toddies cure everything, he has been known to brew them up and deliver them to friends when they are under the weather.  I told you he was wonderful.

Today, I am going to share this cup of comfort with you.  I think it would have been a perfect offering for the members of  The Jane Austen Book Club.

Frank says the secret is using real Polish brandy.  He uses only  Leroux Jezynowka (pronounced Yezhonuvca) and insists nothing else works as well.  I say the secret is the love that he puts into it. Either way it results in a lovely hot cup of comfort.

Cup of Comfort Hot Toddy
created by Frank Klik

1 c. of black tea
1 1/2 shots Jezynowka Blackberry Brandy
1 1/2 t. honey
juice of 1/8 of a lemon

Combine all ingredients in a large mug.  Drink while piping hot and cuddled up on your chair with a good book or movie. Print Recipe


  1. I love myself a hot toddy! And I am sure it is the love he puts into it that makes it so wonderful! Hope it helps with the stress.

    1. It did but mostly just accepting that Mom is going to just want to sleep all the time and not be disturbed helped more.

  2. Sorry to hear about your mom. A cup of comfort is something we all need.

  3. What a eloquent post, Wendy. You do have a great husband! Sending good thoughts!

  4. I could go for a cup of Frank's Hot Toddy right now! Happy New Year to you and your family, and lots of health to everyone.

  5. So sorry to hear about your mom. I know how hard that is--even more so this already stressful time of year. Your comfort toddy made with love is a perfect drink to help you through it.

  6. I agree, it's got to be the love. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I lost my grandma this past weekend, and I think I could use a cup of comfort right about now.

  7. Sorry for your loss Heather. I wish I lived close enough to bring you a cup of comfort.

  8. I don't know how I missed this all these years ago. But I'm glad I've watched it and wouldn't mind a cup of comfort right now! ;)

    1. I wish you were close enough that Frank could deliver it to your door.


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