
Thursday, October 1, 2015

White Chocolate Pumpkin Mousse because it is #PumpkinWeek with the #bookclubcookbookCC

One of the great challenges as a food blogger is planning your posts to include all of the events, clubs and groups to which you belong.  When you are very lucky, all the stars align as they did for me on Monday and again today, and you can combine your posts instead of doing multiple posts on the same day.

This month I am hosting the Book Club Cookbook Cooking Crew.  This means I have the honor of choosing the novel from which we will be creating a recipe.  I have read many of the books included in this cookbook.  Some of them I read for a Cook the Books Club to which I belonged for many years in which the host would choose a book and then host the meeting and serve a meal inspired by the book.

The Book Club Cookbook Cooking Crew is the brainchild of my friend, Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla.  She gathered 11 of us together, along with her, to make this a one year project.  Each month one of us chooses a recipe from The Book Club Cookbook by Judy Gelman and Vicki Levy Krupp that was inspired by a book.  You can choose to read the book, or just read about the book in the cookbook.  You can use the recipe provided, adapt from the recipes provided or create your own recipe inspired by the blurbs in the cookbook or the book chosen.  You do not have to be one of the 12 hosts to join us.  Anyone can join in by following the below guidelines.

How to participate in The Book Club Cookbook Cooking Crew #thebookclubcookbookCC:

1. Draw inspiration from the chosen recipe.
2. Blog about it! It doesn't have to be a lengthy post. Just share your dish.
3. Include a link back to the hosting blog somewhere in your post. Grab the logo and use it if you'd like.
4. Your post must be current (during month). And, of course,we don't mind if your post is linked to other events. The more, the merrier.
 5. Email your entries to me at:  and include:

                    ~Your name
                    ~Your blog's name and URL
                    ~The name of your dish and the permalink to the specific post you'resubmitting
                    ~Attach a photo of any size (or just give me permission to"pull" one from your post)
                    ~Indicate #thebookclubcookbookCC in the subject line

    Deadline for submission is: October 29 so the roundup can be posted on October 31.

Image result for Three Junes

The novel I have chosen for this month is Three Junes by Julia Glass.  It is the story of a family from Scotland consisting of parents and 3 sons all of whom are now adults.  The novel begins upon the death of the mother and follows their lives during three Junes spanning a decade.  I will review the book and share another recipe inspired by it at the roundup. The recipe I have chosen from the cookbook for this month is the White Chocolate Mousse but with a twist because it is still Pumpkin Week here in blogland.  Before I talk about Pumpkin Week, I want to remind you to enter the giveaway for your free copy of this wonderful cookbook.  It can be found at the bottom of this post, underneath all the wonderful Pumpkin recipes.

Today is day 4 of Pumpkin Week, put together by the wonderful, Terri of Love and Confections.  Terri gathered a slew of us together and gave us free rein to create as many wonderful pumpkin recipes as we would like and we have been sharing them all week long.

So naturally when I decided to make a White Chocolate Mousse for Book Club Cookbook CC, I had to make sure it included some pumpkin in the recipe. I adapted a recipe that I found on blog called The Newlywed Chefs. I hope you enjoy my version.

White Chocolate Pumpkin Mousse
adapted from the Newlywed Chefs

1/2 c. pumpkin puree
1/4 c. sugar
2 c. heavy cream, divided
1 (6 oz) pkg white chocolate chips (I use Ghiradelli)
1/4 t. ground cinnamon
1/4 t. freshly ground nutmeg
 6-8 Gingersnap Cookies, crumbled

In a small pan combine the pumpkin, sugar, 1/2 c. cream, white chocolate and spices.  Cook and stir over med heat until sugar is dissolved and chocolate is melted.  Set aside and allow to cool.

Place the remaining 1 1/2 c. cream into the large bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with the whisk attachment and beat until light and fluffy with soft peaks.  Slowly fold the cooled pumpkin mixture, in 2 or 3 batches, into the whipped cream.  Divide between 4 serving dishes and garnish with crushed cookies. Print Recipe

Here are some more great Pumpkin recipes!

This month Wendy at A Day in the Life on the Farm, this month's host, is giving away a copy of the book.* Enter to win a copy of the cookbook so you can join us in future months, if you wish!

One of our lucky readers - US and Canada only! - can enter to win a copy of The Book Club Cookbook, Revised Edition: Recipes and Food for Thought from Your Book Club's Favorite Books and Authors by Judy Gelman and Vicki Levy Krupp, courtesy of Tarcher-Penguin. Giveaway runs from October 1st till October 31st at 4 o'clock PM, Pacific time. Please see terms and conditions in the rafflecopter widget below. Many thanks to Tarcher Books. You may find Tarcher: on the web, on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Pinterest.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Disclosure: Wendy received a complimentary copy of The Book Club Cookbook, Revised Edition: Recipes and Food for Thought from Your Book Club's Favorite Books and Authors by Judy Gelman and Vicki Levy Krupp to give away in this year-long project. Opinions are our own. We received no further compensation for our posts.

This post contains affiliate links.  Should you buy a product using this link, your price remains the same but I receive a small stipend to help offset the costs of this blog.


  1. Wendy this recipe sounds absolutely amazing!! Lovely recipe, will have to give it a try very soon. :) As for hiking - we've done a fair amount of day trips but never anything more than a couple hours. It would be quite an adventure though!

    1. It sure would Rebekah but day trips are fine with me LOL.

  2. Oh, my goodness! I do not have a sweet tooth, but I love these! Thanks for hosting.

  3. I love the twist you put on this recipe! I'm currently reading the book and hope to finish it this weekend while traveling! Since my roundup post was late, I linked your giveaway in my post.

  4. I have never done long distance hiking.

  5. Fall and pumpkin recipes are the best!

  6. Love this combo of white chocolate and pumpkin in mousse! I love love love white chocolate.

  7. Oh my you're talking!!

  8. I am just starting the book! This mousse sounds amazing! Perfect blend of yummy flavors!!

  9. Double check your e-mail spelling! The "7" is missing


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