
Friday, July 31, 2015

A Book Review and the Weekly Menu

I just finished the second in the O'Dwyer cousins trilogy by Nora Roberts.  This second book continues the fight began in the first book of good vs evil, however, this book concentrates more on the relationship and lives of Connor, a male witch, and his friend turned lover, Meara, a human.

Image result for shadow spell nora roberts

While this second of the trilogy did not capture and hold my attention as well as the first, Dark Witch, it was still an enjoyable summer read that I would recommend if you, like me, are a Nora Roberts fan.  Or a fan of handsome, charming Irishmen.

Things have quieted down around here and we spent this morning planning our 5 day get away next month.  Then Frank went to pick up the last sack of chicken feed and I canned a batch of pickles. Now we are taking the car in for a quick fix, stopping to see Mom and then getting ready to go out tonight with John and Kirsten to celebrate the fact that John is older than I for a few short weeks.

Tomorrow we get to keep Little Miss for a while.  Sunday we are taking the chickens in to be processed so that means that next week I will have to spend a few hours cleaning out the coop and getting it ready for the turkeys to arrive.

The rest of the week I am just going to enjoy having Chuck home until he leaves Thursday morning and getting ready for Sr. Mary Ann's second party on Friday.

So here is my Weekly Menu.  Please check back each day for photos and recipes.

Grilled Vegetables

Grilled Chicken Breasts with Strawberry Butter
Zucchini and Summer Squash Saute

Meatless Monday
Misr Wat

Rustic Chicken Stew

Taking Chuck out for Dinner

BLT on Toast
Sweet Corn on the Cob

Sister's Party at the Banquet Center

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  1. Replies
    1. yes, well already tonight I was too lazy to cook. I'm thinking about ordering pizza.

    2. LOL...we did that a few times this week. So I have meals to carry forward. And Harley is gone until Tuesday so that makes me want to cook even less

    3. I hope Harley is having fun and what the heck, plans are made to be rescheduled.


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