
Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Tiramisu Gelato for #FoodieExtravaganza and #HotSummerEats

I am honored to be hosting this month's Foodie Extravaganza.  Foodie Extravaganza is a wonderful group of bloggers who celebrate the wacky National Food Holidays each month.


Today is National Egg Day.  Those of you who are regular readers of my blog know that I raise laying hens as well as meat chickens, turkeys and hogs.  So when I discovered that the day I was hosting this event was also National Egg Day my choice was very easy.

Posting day is always the first Wednesday of each month. If you are a blogger and would like to participate in the next Foodie Extravaganza, just go to our Facebook page to join. We would love to have you!  Follow our Foodie Extravaganza Pinterest board for past events and more deliciousness!

I am always looking for ways to use up all the eggs that my hens so generously give me.  I thought this would be a perfect way for me to find some new recipes which I am very happy to share with you.

`I am also happy to share what the rest of the group made to celebrate the incredible, edible egg!

I decided to make a Tiramisu Gelato.  I adapted my Gelato recipe from Cuisinart.  This recipe contains 5 eggs which results in a creamy, custardy Ice Cream.  I adapted the recipe from the Cuisinart recipe book that came with my ice cream maker.  I decided I wanted to include some lady fingers and chocolate to the recipe to make it more traditional.  I was very pleased with the results and I am proud to share my recipe with you today.

During the last few minutes of the gelato churning I placed a layer of ladyfingers in the bottom of a freezer safe bowl and drizzled chocolate syrup over them.

I added a layer of the Tiramisu Gelato, spreading it evenly over the lady fingers.

Add a second layer of lady fingers drizzled with chocolate syrup.

Add a final layer of gelato and drizzle with chocolate syrup.
Cover and place in freezer until ready to serve.

I served a couple of scoops into a sundae cup, garnished with an almond cookie.

I am also in the middle of #HotSummerEats. This event is hosted by Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla..  We are celebrating all things summer and I couldn't think of anything more summery than Ice Cream, which was perfect for our Foodie Extravaganza theme. Look at all of the great summer eats that we are sharing with you today.  Speaking of #HotSummerEats, don't forget to stop by and enter the raffle for some great sponsor gifts.

Tiramisu Gelato
adapted from Cuisinart

2 c. whole milk
1 c. heavy cream
1 t. pure vanilla bean paste (I used Nielsen-Massey)
3/4 c. sugar
dash of salt
3 T. Kahlua
2 T. brewed espresso
5 eggs
1 (8 oz) pkg Mascarpone, room temperature
1 package lady finger cookies
Chocolate syrup
Thin Almond Cookies for Garnish

Combine milk, cream, vanilla, half of the sugar, salt, Kahlua and espresso in a medium saucepan.  Cook and stir over med low heat bringing the mixture just to a boil.  While this mixture is heating, prepare an ice bath in a large mixing bowl for the custard.

Combine the eggs and remaining sugar in a med bowl and whisk until mixture is pale and thick.  (I used my kitchen aid).

Once the cream mixture has reached a boil, slowly whisk 1/3 of it into the eggs.  Add another 1/3 and then return the combined mixture to the remaining cream mixture in the pan.  Return the pan to the med low heat and cook, stirring constantly, with a wooden spoon until the mixture coats the back of the spoon.  This only takes a minute or two.  Be careful not to overcook.

Pour the mixture into a bowl set inside the ice bath and cool to room temperature.

Place the mascarpone into bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment.  Mix on medium low until creamy.  Slowly add the prepared and cooled gelato mixture with the mixer running.  Beat until combined and no lumps remain.  Cover and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.

Pour into an ice cream maker following the manufacturers directions.  When the ice cream is done churning, place a layer of lady fingers in the bottom of a glass bowl that has a cover.  Drizzle the lady fingers with chocolate syrup then add a layer of gelato. Make another layer of lady fingers drizzled with chocolate and cover with remaining gelato.  Drizzle the top with additional chocolate syrup. Cover and place in freezer for at least 2 hrs.  Remove from freezer 15 minutes before serving.  Place scoop or two of ice cream into a sundae cup or bowl and garnish with a cookie if desired. Print Recipe


  1. This sounds absolutely LOVELY!! So creamy and tasty!

  2. Ting said it was the best ice cream she had ever had. I thought that was a very high compliment because she is an ice cream nut.

  3. What a cool idea, Wendy! I am not a fan of normal tiramisu because of soggy cake but I would love the flavors in an ice cream. Thanks so much for hosting this month!

    1. Thanks Stacy, however you probably did more of the work than I this month LOL.

  4. Yum! What a wonderful treat. I have never tried to make gelato, but I love it. And tiramisu?? Delicious!! I need some of this now!

    1. My daughter said it was the best ice cream she has every eaten and she is an ice cream nut.

  5. Yum! Love tiramisu gelato and the layering on this one! I am so jealous that you have your own eggs.

    1. It is very nice Tara except that now I am spoiled and can never order eggs out at a restaurant because they don't taste like eggs to me LOL

  6. Wonderful! I can't wait to try this, Wendy. You had me at 'tiramisu' then you added the word 'gelato.'

    1. It was my first attempt at gelato Cam and it turned out perfectly.

  7. Oh my that looks wonderful! You served it up so elegantly!

  8. Take 2: (Not sure the first comment went through.) Your tiramisu gelato is genius, Wendy! And how grrrrreat that you get to use eggs from your own farm =) P.s. I'm already signed up on FB for Foodie Extravaganza...Your post is inspiring me to join the July fun!

    1. It did go through but I am happy to sit and visit with you again. Please do join us in July, it is great fun.

  9. OMG that sounds so good. I'm going to have to get an ice cream maker!

    1. It is one of those machines that I forget about for a while and then when I remember it I use it constantly for a few months.

  10. Oh Wendy! I need to make this asap! It sounds just heavenly!

  11. I love gelato and you have reminded me to get the ice cream maker out.

    1. Yes I pulled mine out of the storage room a few weeks ago and have been going to town with it. Next up, fresh strawberry ice cream YUM

  12. What a delicious treat!!!! I love gelato and this would hit the spot.

  13. Don't tell the others but this is my favourite if the Foodie Extravaganza offerings this month!


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