
Sunday, March 8, 2015

Let Them Eat Cake....for #SundaySupper

Image result for let them eat cake

This month's Sunday Supper is hosted by Heather, of Hezzi D's Books and Cooks.  Heather chose the fun theme of Retro Foods for this week.  You know the foods that your mom or grandma used to make when you were a kid growing up in the 50's, 60's or 70's.....hey wait a minute....I was the mom making the food in the 70's!!!!  

Oh is still a great theme and I am excited about it.  When I think of retro foods I think of growing up in the 50's.  The onset of tv dinners and processed foods.  The liberation of women from the kitchen into the workplace...or so they thought.....Now, many yearn to be back home full time, spending time in the kitchen and being able to make that processed food by scratch so it is healthier and an expression of their love.

But, as they say, the grass is always in the 50's we had an influx of  "convenience" foods and with them came recipes, often on the back of the package.  Most of these recipes were delicious and became standards in kitchens all over America.  Think Lipton Onion Soup Dip, Tollhouse Cookies, Jello Poke Cakes and Impossible Pies.  We have all made and/or enjoyed these dishes and some of them are still very popular to this day.  

When my kids were young, I bought a copy of Back of the Box Gourmet.  A cookbook that had compiled all of these recipes into one easy location.  I used this book for today's recipe challenge.

Image result for back of the box gourmet

Life is lucky sometimes and as I was reading the event details for today's challenge, I got a text inviting us to a birthday celebration for our friend, Kim.  I immediately texted back volunteering to bring the cake and asking what flavor to which Kim responded "chocolate".  I went back into the cookbook and found this recipe that was posted on the back of Hellman's mayonnaise.  It was originally created in 1937 but I remember Mom making it when I was a kid.  

I adapted the recipe to make a 9x13" sheet cake as opposed to a 9" square.  I also hand grated the baking chocolate using a microplane know what I got?  Cocoa yourself a favor and just use cocoa powder, I have changed the recipe to reflect that as well.  I frosted it with a recipe also found in this book that I have included here for you.

This cake is moist and delicious with wonderful little bursts of surprise from the dates and nuts.

Please stop by the bottom of my post and check out all the other great retro foods included in this version of #Sunday Supper.

Original Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake
adapted from Back of the Box Gourmet

1 1/2 t. baking soda
1 1/2 c. boiling water
1 1/2 c. coarsely chopped dates
1 1/2 c. coarsely chopped walnuts
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 1/2 c. mayonnaise
9 T. cocoa powder
3 c. unbleached all purpose flour

Prepare a 9x13" baking pan by spraying with baking spray or greasing and flouring.
In a small bowl, dissolve the soda in the hot water.  Stir in dates and nuts.
In a large bowl combine sugar and mayonnaise with a mixer set at low speed until combined.  Blend in cocoa powder and vanilla.  Add date mixture and beat until well mixed.  Gradually beat in flour until smooth.
Pour into prepared pan and bake in a preheated 350* oven for 45-50 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean.  Print Recipe

No Cook Fudge Frosting
from Back of the Box Gourmet

2 c. confectioners sugar
1/2 c. chocolate syrup
1/4 c. cocoa
1/4 c. melted butter
1/2 t. vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a small bowl.  Blend well.  Use immediately.  Print Recipe

Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest boardWould you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement

Bodacious Breakfasts and Appetizers:
Made in the Shade Main Dishes:
Swell Side Dishes:
Dreamy Desserts:
The Bee's Knees Beverages:


  1. I have blogged about Mayonnaise Cake/Cupcakes more than once - it was my favorite recipe as a girl and I always would request that my grandmother make it for me for my birthday! I love the changes you made (especially the addition of the dates!)

    1. Thanks Shelby, I hope it brings back happy memories for many of us.

  2. We loved this as kids! I don't think my mom's recipe had dates or nuts, but the added texture and flavor sounds terrific!!!

    1. It is a very moist and chewy cake and with the addition of dates and nuts you don't even need frosting.

  3. I just made my first mayo chocolate cake last month for #TripleSBites. VERY moist! Love the title of that cookbook. Too funny.

    1. It is funny Cam but so many great recipes come from the purveyors that it makes sense to compile them all in one spot.

  4. I remember my mom made a mayo cake, I would not eat it. I thought it would be funny tasting because I thought she used Miracle whip! I thought mayo and miracle whip was one and the same. Now all these years later I realized well not the same and a mayo make is delish!

    1. Yes my Mom thought Miracle Whip and Mayo were one and the same as well and I still use Miracle Whip in my macaroni and potato salads, in most of my salads really but this cake absolutely needs the eggy goodness and richness of real Mayo.

  5. I've never had a mayonnaise cake but I've heard of them. It looks delicious !

    1. It was Heather. One of these days when you want to make a cake and realize you are out of eggs you should try it

  6. Diana @DandelionGreensMarch 8, 2015 at 3:52 PM

    Wow, I bet the dates and the mayo make it very moist! Sounds delicious!

  7. Did you know? This kind of cake was known as a wacky cake and while first appearing in the 1930's it found popularity because it has no milk, butter or eggs, and all those foods were rationed during WWII? It's amazing what kind of things need necessitates, and this found us learning how moist oil, vinegar and mayo makes a cake!

  8. I have enjoyed checking out all the blogs My mom used to make mayo cakes.

    1. It was fun seeing all the different recipes people remembered.

  9. I don't think I've ever had this cake but it sounds divine...chocolate!!!

  10. I don't think I've ever had this cake but it sounds divine...chocolate!!!

  11. I was just reading about using mayonnaise in cake in another group I belong to. Apparently it's also a great substitute if you don't have eggs. Who knew? Bet this cake was the hit of the party, Wendy!

  12. Mayonnaise was a miracle ingredient for cakes, breading chicken and making salad dressing! lol

    1. It sure was Cindy and I guess it still is for some people.

  13. I think I saw someone post a recipe like this a few years ago. Still seems very odd to have mayonnaise in a cake but I am very intrigued.

    1. yes it was for me at first too but then I thought that mayonnaise is really just eggs and oil so then it made more sense to me.

  14. I need to try this soon! I never realized that it had dates in it....

  15. This is just plain outright sinfully good! I have to try this!!! YUM!!!

  16. I knew someone that used to make a cake with Miracle Whip in it when I was a kid. It sounded strange, but was really good!

  17. Logically, this recipe makes sense. But emotionally, it's frightening! Consider me intrigued.

    1. Grab a fork, close your eyes and take the plunge Lauren. I didn't tell anyone that it was a mayonnaise cake. I just served it and watched them gobble it up,

  18. I have to admit I've never had a chocolate mayonnaise cake. Oh, at least I don't think so. It isn't because of the mayonnaise part (I do enjoy mayo) but just simply haven't come across one yet. Now that book is a sheer treasure. It must be a blast to look through all the recipes.

  19. Oh wow, this looks SO yummy and decadent. Your friend is very lucky!! :)

    -Julie @ Texan New Yorker

  20. My mum and I used to make this cake back in the 1960's, but it didn't have the dates or walnuts in it. We didn't put the frosting on it either, as it was moist and delicious enough without it :). We made it often as it was so quick and easy to make. Haven't made it for years, but seem to recall it being prepared in one bowl, and maybe even prepared right in the baking pan, if my memory is right :). I used to have it baked in time around noon when my first DH came home for dinner. He liked the main meal at noon.


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