
Monday, November 10, 2014

The Simple Woman's Daybook, November 10th Edition

On Monday's I enjoy joining The Simple Woman and filling out my Daybook.  It starts the week off with some semblance of normalcy.  You should join us.

Outside my window....It is bright but cloudy, I don't know how long that will last but I am going to enjoy the brightness while I can.

I am thinking...that I need to get moving around here before I have to leave for the food pantry.

I am thankful....for the family that is donating 20 turkeys for our Thanksgiving Baskets this year and dropping them off at the food pantry today.

In the kitchen...I am adding Sauerkraut to the menu for dinner tonight because Ting will be joining us and she loves Sauerkraut.  This recipe minus the Kielbasa because it is Meatless Monday.

I am wearing....The sweats that I slept in last night.  I am still sitting in bed with my computer and coffee.

I am creating...nothing creative on my plate today.  I will be creating space in the food pantry for the Thanksgiving basket supplies....does that count??

I am go take care of my animals as soon as I am done here.

I am wondering....what to get people for Christmas this year.

I am reading....That Old Ace in the Hole for Cook the Books club.  I have been reading it for a while. I am nearly done...I haven't been drawn to it so I keep picking up my phone for Candy Crush instead of my book.

I am finish the book today or tomorrow because it does have some great food ideas and I am anxious to start cooking.

I am looking forward to....See Little Miss Melody this afternoon.

I am learning....that Life is What We Make It.

Around the house....Mostly farm chores today.

I am pondering.....whether to breed Princess Fiona...she went into heat again.

A favorite quote for today....


One of my favorite things...lazy mornings in bed with my coffee and computer.

A few plans for the rest of the week....Just the usual, Parish Council Meeting tonight, Visits with Mom, Food Pantry, Zumba classes, etc.

A peek into my day.....I think this entire post qualifies.  Time for me to get moving now.


  1. Love the quote. And I agree with you: life is what we make it!

    1. My daughter always says that Happiness is a decision we make each morning.

  2. I have lived in a city all my life and am toying with the idea of moving someday to the country. Your blog has made me think it really might be's a great blog.
    Have a good week.

    1. Thanks so much Chere Mama. Let me know if you do move and how it is going please.

  3. Love your quote for the day!!

  4. That's a great quote!

    Wow, one family is donating 20 turkeys That certainly is something to be thankful for!

    1. I know...I was awe struck by their generosity and then I got an email yesterday that another family sent in a check for $500!!!


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