
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thoroughly Twisted Thursday

My day continued today as the whole week has gone.  I was up all night with a stomach bug.  Frank had it yesterday and being the kind of generous guy he is...he shared it with me.  I started feeling better so I went to the post offices with the packages that did not get mailed yesterday to find that my wallet was not in my purse.  So I drove home and remembered that I had taken it out of my purse and put it in my pant's pocket when I walked to the post office yesterday.

Of course, when we got home yesterday we had wrestled pigs after which I stripped out of my dirty clothes in the garage so as to not take the stench into the house.  I pulled into the garage, picked up my wallet.  Oh must have slipped out of my pocket when I was wrestling the pig.  So back to the pig pen I wallet.  I was thinking it would be just my luck that the pigs would eat my wallet but I didn't see any bits and pieces of the wallets or it's contents so I figured that didn't happen.  Went back into the house and there was my wallet on the kitchen table. Finally made it back to the post office and got the packages mailed.  Phew....what a project!!

I had originally planned on Swedish Meatballs for dinner tonight but I had round steak left from Tuesday's dinner that needed to be cooked so I decided to make Philly Cheese Steaks instead since my foodie blogger friend Sarah, of Fantastical Sharing of Recipes was requesting some recipes.  I didn't have an Hoagie Rolls but I did have some pitas in my freezer so then I decided to make Philly Cheese Steak Wraps.

I have never made these before but I figured how hard can it be, right??  All you need is tender steak, sauteed onions, peppers and mushrooms and some cheese and I had all that...except for tender steak. I just had Round Steak that I needed to make tender so I threw it in the slow cooker with some seasonings and sauces that I had on hand, added an onion for flavor and some beef broth and turned it on high for four hours.

After 4 hrs I pulled it out of the slow cooker.

And cut it into thin slices.

Sauteed up the veggies.

And started building, first the meat, then veggies, then cheese.
Fold the pita around the filling and wrap in foil.
Place in a 300* oven for 15 minutes until heated through and cheese is melted.

Serve with strained juices from the beef.

It turned out great!!!

Philly Cheese Steak Wrap

1 lb Round Steak, trimmed of fat
salt and pepper to taste
2 T. Balsamic Vinaigrette 
2 T. Cherry Chipotle Sauce
1/2 c. beef broth
1/2 small onion, sliced
1 small green pepper, sliced
4 oz. sliced mushrooms
salt and pepper to taste
2 t. butter
 9 extra thin slices of Provolone Cheese 
3 Pita Breads

Season steak with salt and pepper.  Place in slow cooker and add vinaigrette, sauce and beef broth. Cook on high heat for 4 hrs.  Remove from slow cooker and thinly slice. Strain juice through a fine sieve and set aside.

Melt the butter in a large saute pan over med high heat.  Add the vegetables, season with salt and pepper and saute until tender, 5-7 minutes.  

Place Pitas on sheets of aluminum foil.  Place meat down center, top with vegetables and then with 3 slices of cheese. Fold the pita over the filling and wrap the foil around the sandwich.  Place the foil packets on a baking sheet and place in a preheated 300* oven for 15 minutes or until ready to serve.

Rewarm the au jus and serve with the sandwiches if desired.  Print Recipe

One year ago--Sharing my Short Ribs


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