
Monday, September 22, 2014

To the Moon, Alice, Right to the Moon....

In my previous post, written this morning, and called Fly Me to the Moon, I was pretty excited that we were flying into Jersey to take a shuttle and then a bus and then a cab to our hotel in NYC.

Well, let me just update you here on how our little adventure is going.  As we were flying over Lake Erie the battery signal on the plane started going wacky.  Frank contacted flight services and told them we were having problems and would be landing at Sandusky airport only to be told that this airport was now closed.  They then diverted us to Port Clinton airport and contacted them for us because now our radio died.  Frank tried using his little portable radio to communicate with the airport and other pilots but to no avail.  Luckily it was a quiet flight day at this airport and we had an uneventful landing.

The airport had a mechanic and we originally thought it was going to be an easy fix, just some loose wires, and a loose nut in the pilot seat....oops did I say that out loud??

But, of course, as my Pops would say, everything is a project and it turned out that the entire alternator needed to be replaced.  Did they have one in stock....nope.  It needs to be shipped from Tulsa, OK.  The good news is, once the part arrives it only takes minutes to install it.

Now, in the small town of Port Clinton, Ohio there is a car rental agency but it is a used car lot and it has no affiliates so if we were to rent a car from them to drive to NYC there is nowhere to turn it in so we would have to pay for parking.  Do you have any idea what it costs to park in don't want to know.  So then we contacted Enterprise Rental in the neighboring town of Sandusky.  We could rent from them one way, turn it in and then rent again one way to come back.  They would have a car available for us at 1 pm. tomorrow.

Ok so back to the drawing board.  We decided to rent the local car and see if the airport at which we were supposed to land would allow us to park it there and take the shuttle,bus and taxi as first planned.  While the rental guy was filling out our paperwork, I asked about local restaurants because it was by now dinnertime and I was getting a little cranky.  He recommended the local hospital, which (he claimed) had the best food in town at the best price.  We asked if there were anywhere else he would recommend and he suggested a seafood restaurant and an Italian restaurant.  We went to the seafood restaurant first but it was a fast food type and we really needed a glass of wine at this point so then we went to the Italian restaurant.

We walked in, sat down and ordered our wine.  Then we looked at the menu that had exactly one offering...their sauce that they are very proud of and is from a 90 year old could have the sauce served on Lasagna or Spaghetti or Ravioli or you could get a combination of two of them on one plate.  I chose the Ravioli and Frank got the combo plate of Spaghetti and Lasagna.  The good thing was that the food was out very quickly....the bad thing was they didn't mention that the 90 yr old recipe was made 90 yrs ago and has been sitting there ever since.

We started cracking up and then we couldn't stop laughing.  Life is just one big adventure in the Klik household.  Now, I know you all think that I am exaggerating so I am going to share a picture of their beautifully decorated bathroom so that you know that I am telling the God's honest truth.

Isn't it lovely how they have all these paintings on the bathroom floor?

And here is Frank wondering why I am laughing so hard that I am peeing myself when I just came out of the bathroom.

I don't know what we expected when the guy had told us that the hospital cafe had the best food in town!!  We should have gone there LOL

One year ago--Soaring through Sunday


  1. OMG never a dull time with you two. And I loved how you turned it into an adventure for us. What was up with that bathroom floor? Good luck with getting to NYC.

    1. Thanks Paula, we will be heading out shortly. Frank is showering as I write.


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