
Saturday, September 20, 2014

No Weekly Menu this Week

Tonight Karen is making dinner for us and I am going to throw together some meals to leave at Ting and Tony's.

Tomorrow my friend Michelle is coming over for dinner.  I can't wait to actually be able to sit and visit with her for a while. Michelle lives in Texas and it has been much, much too long.

Monday we leave for NYC...I am sooooooo excited!  I have never been and have always wanted to go.  We are meeting Larry and Mary there.  When we depart, we are hoping to stop in and visit with our friends the Sawyers in PA for a couple of hours and Larry and Mary are going to DC for a few days.  On October 1st, Larry and Mary arrive here for 2 whole weeks!!

September is ending with a bang!!  Don't forget to check each day for my #10DaysofTailgate posts and make sure you go to the beginning and enter the raffle where our great sponsors are giving away some tremendous prizes!

On my way now to see Little Miss Maddie, then stopping to see Mom before my hair appointment this afternoon.  Mass afterwards and then on to the cooking so I can leave Ting and Tony's refrigerator full before our trip.

One year ago--Friday Funday

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