
Thursday, September 4, 2014

It's Thursday and I am still Canning....

Busy day today.  I got up early so I could go to an 8:30 cardio class before my dentist appt.  Then I went to the farm and got my weekly bounty and since I cannot fit anything else in my fridge, I pulled out the beets and began pickling and canning.

You can find a pictorial and complete directions right here.

Tonight we are going over to Frank's brother's house to celebrate his birthday.  I am taking along some of my canned goods to give as a hostess gift.

I hope they enjoy it all.  I am going to finish up my beets here and hop in the shower so we can take off as soon as Frank gets home.  Have a great Thursday all.

A year ago today-Day is Done


  1. Sounds like a great day. The kids went back to school today was a very quiet day

    1. It was a really nice day and we had a nice visit with everyone at the party tonight


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