
Monday, August 18, 2014


I have to admit that the first few years I got Kohlrabi from my CSA I was at a loss what to do with it. I think the first year I ended up feeding it to my pigs because I didn't really know what it was. Then I started experimenting and I found that Kohlrabi tastes like a very mild cabbage.  It can be eaten raw and is good in a slaw made with tart apples.  It can be roasted or steamed and you know me...I love roasted vegetables and the kohlrabi gets thrown onto the grill quite often with carrots, celery and potatoes to roast while I am making a chicken.  But my favorite way I have found to eat Kohlrabi is sauteing it up with onions in a generous amount of butter and then tossing it with noodles and topping it with buttered, toasted, bread crumbs...YUM!!!

Here....Let me show you.....

These are Kohlrabi.
When they are fresh the greens can be used as you would any other greens.
These have been sitting in my fridge because I was out of town so the greens are going to the chickens.

You peel off the outer covering.
That went to the chickens too.
Then depending on how you are cooking it you will chop, grate or shred it accordingly.
In this recipe, I shred it using my food processor.

Like cabbage, it will shrink down when it cooks.

I also add a large onion, thinly sliced, because we love onions around here.

Kohlrabi and Noodles

2 Kohlrabi Bulbs, trimmed, peeled and shredded
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1/2 c. butter
1 lb. Egg Noodles, cooked to package directions
Buttered, Toasted Bread Crumbs (see below)

Melt butter in large saute pan, add onions and kohlrabi and saute until tender.  Season generously with salt and pepper.  Toss Egg Noodles into pan with vegetables and continue to saute until the noodles are slightly fried.  Place in serving bowl and sprinkle with buttered, toasted bread crumbs if desired.  Print Recipe

Pulse a slice of  bread or two in the food processor until crumbly.
In this case I used a hot dog bun because that is what I had in the cupboard.
Throw into a saute pan with 2 T. of butter.

Saute over med high heat stirring often until dry and toasty brown.
Sprinkle over the Kohlrabi and Noodles.

I am sharing this Meatless Monday recipe with Simple Supper Tuesday and Thrifty Thursday.  Please stop by, share your simple meals, economical ideas and to see what others are sharing.

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