
Sunday, June 8, 2014

Relaxing on a Sunday

We had a long Mass this morning because one of our parishioners was celebrating his ordination into the priesthood and we got to attend his first official Mass. There was a lot of pomp and circumstance.  All the Grand Knights from our local Knights of Columbus were there as well as numerous priests.  Many of our parishioners have known Fr. Brian Shackett since he was just a young alter boy so it was a proud day for our parish.

Now we are home and Frank is making us his famous blueberry pancakes.  Frank does not allow anyone else in the household to make pancakes and I have to admit that his are delicious.  He will only use Aunt Jemima Original Pancake Mix and then he makes them according to the package directions except that he uses melted butter instead of oil.  He also refuses to mix the blueberries into the batter but rather he puts the batter onto the griddle and very precisely adds the blueberries one by one so they don't get clumped together. Oh and always fresh, never frozen, blueberries because otherwise they run and color the batter.  I LOVE him!!!

Breakfast is served and Mom is ready!


Blueberry Pancakes
adapted from Aunt Jemima Original Pancake Mix

2 c. Aunt Jemima Original Pancake Mix
1 1/2 c. Milk
2 eggs
3 T. melted butter

Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl.  Heat griddle to 375*.  Scoop approx. 1/3 c. batter onto the griddle.  Continue in this manner until the griddle is full leaving approx. 1/2" between pancakes.  Add 8-10 blueberries to each pancake and continue to cook until the pancake starts to dry around the edges and bubbles form on top. Check to assure the bottom is golden brown, flip the pancakes and continue to cook until second side is golden brown (2-3 minutes).  Print Recipe

After brunch, I went down and walked on the treadmill because it was raining outside.  When I was done and returned upstairs the sun had come out so I took advantage and spent a couple of hours relaxing in the pool with my book which I am sharing with you as our prompt for the Photo a Day Challenge was "What does relaxing look like to you?"  (#30summerdays)


  1. Is the pool heated?? Pancakes looded delicious!

    1. Yes, and I heat it to bathwater temperature because I am a wimp LOL.

    2. Me too! I know that our pool was never warm enough this early in June for me to really enjoy it!

    3. It also helps that our pool is on the west side of our house so it gets full hot sun most of the day.

  2. Great pancakes, butter is always best. Can I join you in the pool ha ha.


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