
Monday, March 3, 2014

The day is saved!

I got done using the treadmill.  I spent 50 minutes instead of 30....YAY me.  I straightened up a bit, returning things to the basement and garage from yesterdays Afterglow.  Poured myself a glass of water and while sipping it decided to check in on the computer and see what was new.

And this was the first thing I found:

 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home 

Thank you Crystal!!  This is exactly what I needed today as you can see from my earlier post.  Today's challenge is:

Day 1 Assignment

::Get dressed in something that makes you feel great {there’s something about dressing in clothes that make you feel great that just gives you more energy and zest for life!}
So I stuck with my plan.  I finished my water, took my shower and threw on some sweats.  I don't know about feeling great but they make me feel comfortable and I have nowhere to go and nothing that I have to do today so I chose comfort.
::Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea and make a list of 5-10 goals for this week.
Here are those dang goals again...they haunt me.  Actually this week is kind of easy because I have been thinking about my Lenten journey anyway.  So here are my goals for this week.
  1. Start using the Little Black Book.
  2. Attend Mass on Ash Wednesday.
  3. Work with the CRS Rice Bowl Calendar
  4. Limit my Alcohol Intake
  5. Spend 30 min. 3x this week on the treadmill
  6. Bake cookies for the Fish Fry at Church
  7. Make Mukimo, a recipe from Kenya that was included with our Rice Bowl.

::Complete your morning routine 
I did complete my morning routine.  You can find my morning routine that I follow each  most days here.
::Set the timer for 15 minutes and quickly pick up the main living areas of your home.
Well straightening the house is incorporated into my morning routine so that was easy!!
::Clean out your purse and/or diaper bag.
Thank you God, that I no longer have a diaper bag LOL.  But I did clean out my purse.
::Find 7 items to get rid of today. Throw them out, stick them in a donate or garage sale box, give them to a friend who can use them, or list them on Craigslist or eBay.
 This was a little harder for me because it meant that I had to actually DO something LOL.  So believe it or not..I did.  This little exercise inspired me to go into my bedroom and tackle my closet.  A HUGE job.

My closet before

My closet after

And a whole lot more than 7 things to give away.

Thanks Crystal!!!

I am also linking up with 
List it Tuesday at Many Little Blessings and Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers


  1. Replies
    1. I know. Frank was shocked when he came home. He was laughing at me on Sunday when I was down on my hands and knees in my dress clothes digging around the pile of shoes.

  2. Good job- you got rid of a bunch of stuff!

  3. Wow you managed to get rid of a lot of stuff. Good job!!
    I hopped over from Angie's and Kris's link to say Hi!

    1. I'm glad you did Sherri. I really needed to get to that closet so I was glad for the challenge.


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