
Monday, January 20, 2014

Martin Luther King Jr. Monday

Martin Luther King Jr NYWTS.jpg

Today we honor Martin Luther King Jr.  A man who "had a dream".  He was a man before his time.  A black man in a world where people of different color did not enjoy the same rights as someone who was born with white skin. 

It boggles my mind that people still hold hatred in their hearts for others based on the color of skin, origin of birth, nationality, etc.  A lot of these people consider themselves "Christians" and preach their hate filled messages to others in the name of our Lord.  It is very hard for me to do as Christ teaches and not hold hatred in my heart for those that give Christianity a bad name.  It is something that I struggle with...I often have to remind myself that my calling is not to judge them, but to lovingly and kindly try to bring Christ's message of love for all to them.  Sometimes it would be easier to just ignore it and wash my hands of them.

So I guess my dream for today is that Martin Luther King Jr's dream of equality for all one day comes true.  A day when people are judged by what they do or don't do and not by the color of their skin or the origin of their birth.  A world where we don't lump all Blacks, Asians, Muslims, Christians, Hindus, etc. into one category but recognize them as individuals with their own unique and personal qualities, both good and bad.

May God help me to live this way and may He send wisdom and strength to all of us. 

Sharing this post at Thrive at Home Thursdays.  Stop in and see what everyone has to offer.

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