
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Family, Friends and You....

I know I mentioned when this challenge first started that while I was, of course, Thankful for my Family and Friends, I was going to talk about other things for which I was grateful.  And I have.  But today....on this Thanksgiving Day.....I cannot NOT talk about how Thankful I am for the people in our lives.
We started this morning by going over to Frank's sister's house for coffee and a visit with her, her husband and Mom Klik.  I made a Cinnamon Apple Pie Bread to have with our coffee and we had a nice visit.
We have spoken to all our kids.  Chuck and Kyle are making dinner for Kyle's family. Nicole and Pierre are having a quiet day at home, she is putting a Turkey breast in the oven.  Amy and Doug are going to his Dad's and then stopping by here for Dessert.  Tony is having dinner with his Mom and then coming by for Dessert.
And I just want to say that I am Thankful to you, my readers, who listen to me vent and share my successes and failures with me.  I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  1. I am happy you had such a wonderful day.....and I am thankful that I have found a new blog friend!


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