
Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Day of Rest

Alton Brown was very entertaining....We laughed all night long.  It was a great time spent with great friends.  A perfect evening.
Alton getting ready to give his autograph
Frank and I with Alton.

Joined by John and Kirsten
 Alton never made you feel like you were being rushed even though there was a long line of people behind us waiting to meet him.  He took time to talk with Frank about flying and airplanes as they are both pilots, he took time to talk to John about guitars as they both play, he took time to talk to Kirsten about the New England Culinary Institute that their son, Chris, attended and at which Alton hosted the Chris' graduation ceremony. And he took time to talk to me about cooking.  A very nice, down to earth guy.
Today, we are singing at 9:30 Mass, doing a little shopping and the Popp's are coming over for dinner so it will be a nice relaxing day.  Mom is at Dawn's, the house is cleaned and dinner is going to be easy peasy.
While at the show last night I bought an autographed copy of Alton Brown's new cookbook to add to my collection.
I love cookbooks and have a large collection.  I read them like others read novels.  When I went to put my new cookbook away I didn't have a spot for it so I decided that it was time to get those cookbook shelves organized.  It took me a couple of hours but now it is beautiful and there is room to add to my collection.
I didn't think to take a before shot until I was half way through but here is what ended up in my donate pile so that will give you some idea of what it looked like.
Tonight's recipes can be found in Cuisine at Home, Issue 60.  The recipe calls for pork tenderloin, but I don't have that in my freezer so I am substituting pork chops.
I am linking up with
 A Bowl Full of Lemons

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