
Monday, September 30, 2013

Yearning for Yoga

Kim is home so that means yoga is on for tonight.  She was flying last week so it has been 2 weeks since my last practice because, of course, I did NOTHING during the break.  Nothing yoga anyway.  I haven't been down to the basement since Frank's class Saturday so I think my day will be spent down there straightening up and working on some sewing.  Wellllllll.....Maybe I will make my grape jelly first....

Oh but wait....before the jelly, I need to go to the drug store and get Frank's prescription.  But before that I need to iron the linens and drop them off to the church on the way to the drugstore.  After the drugstore I have to stop by a parishioner's house and pick up her laundry to wash for her. Then when I get home I can start on the jelly and straighten the basement. Then I have to start dinner so we can eat at least an hour before I start contorting myself into all those poses.  My sewing may have to wait....we'll see.....Ohmmmmmm.....I really need my yoga.

I am very happy to report that I got everything on my list accomplished.  I got up early and ironed the linens, went to the church to drop them off and stayed for Mass.  After Mass, I hit the drugstore, circled around to pick up laundry, stopped at the grocery store and was home by 10 am.  Made my jelly and got the Lasagna ready to go in the oven.  Went into the basement, straightened it up, did some sewing, moved all the furniture in preparation for yoga and now I am sitting here with a glass of ice water and my computer and it is only 2 pm.  Wooohoooo.

I only used 2 quarts of the juice that Kurt gave me and ended up with all these
 beautiful jars of Grape Jelly using the recipe in this book
 They will look lovely in baskets with my other canned goods as Christmas gifts.
It was a good productive day and hopefully the start of a great week.  See you all tomorrow.

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