
Sunday, November 20, 2022

Orange Pound Cake #CakeSliceBakers

This delicious pound cake, flavored with pure orange extract and orange zest in both the cake and the frosting is a wonderful way to start your holiday baking.

Orange Pound Cake

It's time for the Cake Slice Bakers..........

Each month The Cake Slice Bakers are offered a selection of cakes from the current book we are baking through. This year it is Zoë Bakes Cakes by Zoē François. We each choose one cake to bake, and then on the 20th - never before - we all post about our cake on our blogs. There are a few rules that we follow, but the most important ones are to have fun and enjoy baking & eating cakes!

Follow our Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest pages where you can find all of our cakes, as well as inspiration for many other cakes. You can also click on the links below to take you to each of our cakes. If you have a blog and are interested in joining The Cake Slice Bakers and baking along with us, please send an email to thecakeslicebakers at gmail dot com for more details.

The Cake Slice Bakers also have a new Facebook group called The Cake Slice Bakers and Friends. This group is perfect for those who do not have a blog but want to join in the fun and bake through this book.

It is a new year and a new book - Zoë Bakes Cakes - and our choices for November 2022 were ~

Vanilla-Bean Pound Cake
  • All That's Left Are The Crumbs
  • A Day in the Life on the Farm
  • Karen's Kitchen Stories
  • My Recipe Reviews
  • Camille Cooks

  • Grandma Ellen's Trinidad Rum Cake

    Mod Yule Log
    Orange Poundcake Jack o Lantern

    My fall holiday baking starts at Halloween and goes through January 6th when we celebrate 3 Kings Day (Epiphany).  I have this cute Jack O'Lantern cake pan that I use once a year.  This year I used it for this pound cake and served it to my friend Michelle when we celebrated her birthday, which falls on Halloween, with the neighbors.

    The recipe provided enough batter for this cake and also for the 6 mini loaves that I decorated for Christmas and put in my freezer to be enjoyed the entire holiday season.  I did not have any vanilla bean as included in the original recipe but I did have some amazing vanilla paste that my friend, Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla had gifted me.  It worked very well but I also decided to add some pure orange extract since I was making this for Halloween and coloring it orange with decorative sugar.

    Orange Pound Cake pin

    This is a true pound cake using a pound each of butter, sugar, eggs and flour.  It is amazing and worth the extra cost.  Is anyone else noticing the incredible increase in cost for baking ingredients this year?!!

    We only have one bake left in this cookbook and I made a Birthday Cake for Little Miss M with my choice.  Stay tuned for that and the big announcement of which book we chose for next year's bakes.

    Desserts, Pound Cake, Cake, Orange
    Yield: 24 servings
    Author: Wendy Klik
    Orange Pound Cake

    Orange Pound Cake

    This delicious pound cake, flavored with pure orange extract and orange zest in both the cake and the frosting is a wonderful way to start your holiday baking.
    Prep time: 15 MinCook time: 1 H & 10 MTotal time: 1 H & 25 M


    • 1 lb butter, room temperature
    • 1 lb powdered sugar
    • 1 T. vanilla paste
    • 1 t. pure orange extract
    • zest of half an orange
    • 1 lb eggs (about 9), room temperature
    • 1 lb. flour
    • large pinch of salt
    • Icing or glaze, if desired


    1. In the large bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter until smooth and creamy.
    2. Turn speed to low and add the sugar until incorporated. Increase speed and beat on med high until light and fluffy, about 5 minutes, scraping the bowl as needed.
    3. Add the vanilla paste, orange extract and orange zest into the mixture.
    4. Mix in the eggs, one at a time, beating at medium low speed, just until combined, scraping the bowl after every few eggs.
    5. With the mixer on low speed, add the flour, 1 cup at a time, just until incorporated. Add the pinch of salt along with the second cup of flour. Scrape bowl and beaters before each addition.
    6. Scrape batter into pans that have been treated with baking spray. This makes 2 full size loaf cakes but you can use any pans you wish, adjusting baking time as needed.
    7. Bake in a preheated 325* oven for about 70 minutes if making full size loaves. The cakes are done when golden and a skewer inserted removes cleanly.
    8. Let cakes cool in pan on wire rack for about 10 mintues before removing them to cool completely.
    9. Glaze or frost as desired. I used a simple powdered sugar and orange juice glaze.


    adapted from a recipe found in Zoe Bakes Cakes

    Nutrition Facts



    Fat (grams)


    Sat. Fat (grams)


    Carbs (grams)


    Fiber (grams)


    Net carbs


    Sugar (grams)


    Protein (grams)


    Sodium (milligrams)


    Cholesterol (grams)



    1. It's been a long time since I have made a pound cake, but I think I will do so this week since the boys will be home! I love your addition of orange to this. Sounds fabulous.

    2. Isn't vanilla bean paste the best? Your jack-o-lantern cake pan is adorable!

    3. Love, love, love the little loaves and that pumpkin! I'm with you - I couldn't afford the vanilla bean (2 for $21.00 here...!!).

    4. The cakes look wonderful .

    5. That cake mold is too cute! I love the idea of making small cakes and freezing them. I may have to give that a try.


    I enjoy getting comments and feedback from my audience. Please let me know what you think, keeping in mind that we are all entitled to our own beliefs and opinions. I am happy to hear yours as long as they are stated nicely.