
Saturday, June 25, 2022

Yellow Tail Wine is from NSW, who knew?? And the Weekly Menu #WorldWineTravel

I thought I was going to have to sit out of this month's World Wine Travel event.  The theme, hosted by Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla was Reds from New South Wales.  

When this theme was announced I wasn't concerned about being able to source wines because I was a proud member of and could pretty much get any wine I needed.  Then tragedy struck and is no longer able to ship to Michigan.  I checked with Total Wines and found that they do carry wines from NSW but not here in Michigan.  I checked with my friend Dave who works for a wine wholesaler, he was unable to help me.

Yellow Tail Wine

So I announced to the group that I was unable to participate and Robin of Crushed Grape Chronicles advised that Yellow Tail wines were from Riverina in NSW.  Who knew?  Yellow Tail wine is available everywhere!!!
On Thursday I ran to the grocer and bought two bottles of Yellow Tail a Merlot for this month's event and a Chard for next month's event.  I got 2 bottles for $11.  I let Camilla know that I would be joining in the event today and opened the bottle for a taste.

Yellow Tail Merlot

It tastes like a $6 bottle of wine.  A little sweet for my taste but totally drinkable.  I had spent all day cleaning out our barn getting ready for a garage sale.  My back was screaming and I was getting hangry.
I left Frank out there by himself, came in pulled out some leftover pasta sauce from lasagna I had made for my great niece's grad party and put water on to boil for pasta noodles.

Then I grabbed the bottle of merlot, took a photo and sat down at my computer, where I am sipping and typing this post.  I have every intention of finishing the bottle with dinner when it is done.  I will share with Frank because I'm sure he is just as sore and tired as I.

Afterwards, I came back to finish this post.  The wine was fine with the pasta. It is, of course, not a bottle that you are going to carry on about but it served the purpose and we finished the bottle without complaint.

Now Frank is outside taking garbage to the curb and I just finished doing dishes.  He plans on getting in the pool, perhaps I will join him when I'm done writing this post.  The Teen is heading out with friends to go watch the fireworks display over the lake in a neighboring town.

I can't believe that we are already at the end of June.  Such a busy month and we are still going non-stop. When you are reading this we would have started our garage sale yesterday. It continues today and tomorrow.  We are closing up early on Sunday so we can attend a Graduation Party.

There is no twitter chat this morning due to the fact that so many had a hard time sourcing wines from NSW but you can read about the wines that were found and tasted with the links I've included below.
Monday is the Teen's 18th Birthday....I'm going to have to start calling her the Adult LOL.  We are having a small gathering of family and friends over to celebrate.  I have also signed the Angel Face up for a Theatre Camp.  She will be staying with us all week and attending the camp from 10-2 each day, finishing up with a play in the park next Saturday.

So I've made my weekly menu with these things in mind.  What's on your menu this week?

Grilled Brie and Blueberry Sandwiches
Homemade Chips

Graduation Party

Monday-Marissa's Birthday
Chips with Salsa, Guac and Nacho Cheese
Corn and Black Bean Salad
Crockpot Salsa Chicken
Beef Enchilada Lasagna Casserole
Grilled Bean and Cheese Quesadillas
Strawberry Cheesecake-provided by Aunt Michelle
Birthday Cake-provided by Roz

Bureek Tajin
Leftover Salads

Grilled Steaks
Sweet Potato Planks
Green Beans

Caesar Salad

Fish Friday
Lobster Roll
Broccoli Salad


  1. I am So glad you joined us. And you can still call M The Teen for another two years. ;)

    1. Yes I know....but on a good note she is acting more adult than teen lately.

  2. I admire your diligence and also your honesty, and I'm glad the wine was good enough to lessen the sting of those back muscles!

  3. Weekly menu looks wonderful. HB to the Teen. A big birthday for her.

    1. All of our company just left and the Teen left with her friends. The Angel Face is in bed and I have a glass of wine. Life is good. Hope yours is the same Cathy.

  4. I think this is a perfect description: "It is, of course, not a bottle that you are going to carry on about but it served the purpose and we finished the bottle without complaint." Clean, serviceable, and not much else to say about it. I completely agree. And happy birthday to The Teen!


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