
Monday, October 11, 2021

Ham and Broccoli Stuffed Potatoes #BakingBloggers

Perfectly baked, salt crusted potatoes stuffed with ham and broccoli in a creamy, delectable cheese sauce.

Ham and Broccoli Stuffed Potatoes

The Baking Bloggers are sharing potato recipes today..........
Each month Sue of Palatable Pastime asks us to join her in baking up a recipe with a certain theme and/or ingredient.  This month the theme is potatoes.  Let's see what everyone brought to the table today.....

Baking Bloggers: Potatoes of all Kinds

  • Baked Potato

    The secret to this recipe is to start with a perfectly baked potato.  Beautiful crisp skin on the outside with fluffy soft insides.  

    ham and broccoli in a cheese sauce

    Once you have a perfectly baked potato you can stuff it with whatever you want.  It is a great way to use up leftovers.  In this case we had enjoyed baked ham for dinner one night with broccoli served as a side vegetable.  Not planning on baking a whole ham anytime soon?  No worries, just pick up a ham steak next time you are at the grocers.  No leftover broccoli?  You can easily steam some florets while the potatoes are baking, or run some frozen broccoli under hot water and drain before adding them to the sauce.  Or don't use broccoli at all.  Use whatever you have on hand, whatever vegetable you love or no vegetable at all if you so choose. 

    Stuffed Potato Pin

    That's the great thing about recipes.  They are simply a guideline and it is up to you to adapt them and make them your own.  

    Potatoes, Entrees, Cheese, Ham, Pork, Broccoli, Sauce
    Entrees, Pork
    Yield: 4 servings
    Author: Wendy Klik
    Ham and Broccoli Stuffed Potato

    Ham and Broccoli Stuffed Potato

    Perfectly baked, salt crusted potatoes stuffed with ham and broccoli in a creamy, delectable cheese sauce.
    Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 1 HourTotal time: 1 H & 10 M


    • 4 Russet Potatoes
    • 2 T. olive oil
    • Kosher salt
    • 1 lb. thick cut ham slices
    • 3 T. butter, divided
    • 1 clove garlic, minced
    • 2 T. flour
    • 2 c. light cream
    • 1 t. mustard
    • 4 oz. cheddar cheese, shredded
    • Pepper, to taste
    • Cooked broccoli florets
    • Hot sauce, if desired


    1. Combine the olive oil with a generous amount of kosher salt in a shallow bowl. Place a piece of aluminum foil onto the bottom rack of your oven. Pierce each potato with a fork a few times, place into the bowl and coat liberally. Place the potatoes directly onto the rack above the foil and bake in a preheated 450* oven for an hour or so, until tender.
    2. During the last 15 minutes of baking time, melt 1 Tablespoon of butter in a large skillet and brown the ham slices on both sides. Remove to a plate and set aside.
    3. Add the remaining butter to the pan along with the garlic, cook briefly and then whisk in the flour, cooking for a minute before gradually whisking in the cream and mustard. Reduce heat to a simmer and cook until thickened. Reduce heat to low, chop the reserved ham into bite size pieces and stir into the cheese sauce along with the broccoli. Cook until warmed through.
    4. Remove the potatoes from the oven and place onto plates. Pierce along the top several times with a fork and then, using a clean towel, push in on the sides of the potato to open it.
    5. Divide the ham and broccoli in cheese sauce between the potatoes and serve immediately, passing the hot sauce for those who desire it.


    Inspired by a recipe found in Cuisine at Home

    Nutrition Facts



    Fat (grams)


    Sat. Fat (grams)


    Carbs (grams)


    Fiber (grams)


    Net carbs


    Sugar (grams)


    Protein (grams)


    Sodium (milligrams)


    Cholesterol (grams)



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