
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Summer Entertaining and the Weekly Menu

Since we got home from vacation on Sunday evening we have had company for dinner 4 times.  This means last weeks menu was rearranged a lot.  We have had lots of good eats, good drinks and good times.  Today, though, we have nothing on the schedule. I think it will be a lie around in the pool and relax day......

Image result for relaxation

I have no idea who this little cutie is but I LOVE this image I found on google.

Frank and Larry are working on getting the new refrigerator to fit properly. They have been removing cupboards and walls.  Then when that didn't work they had to put everything back.  I don't know how we are going to fix this.  The refrigerator fits in the space perfectly but it abuts up to a wall and you cannot open the freezer.  I have some recommendations but I think I will have to wait a few days for Frank to calm down before I suggest them.

I have leftover steaks from our dinner party on Thursday.  I am going to use them in a beef stroganoff for dinner tonight.

My niece came over for dinner last night so I made up the pulled pork that was planned for last Tuesday. Tuesday I ended up making chicken pitas.  We are going to go out for dinner tomorrow night now since we ate home Friday.

I am celebrating several events on the blog this week so stay tuned for some amazing recipes each day.  My menu is apt to change according to who happens to be around at dinner time. July is always a crazy month but I still make up my Weekly Menu to try to keep some semblance of sanity to my life.

Beef Stroganoff (using leftover steak)
Egg Noodles
Glazed Carrots

Out for Dinner

Meatless Monday
Caesar Salad
Spinach and Cheese Ravioli

Pulled Pork Quesadillas (using leftover pulled pork)
Beans and Rice

Chicken Kebabs

Baked Beans
Cole Slaw

Fish Friday
Grilled Shrimp Salad


  1. That is a lot of entertaining!!! I hope you get the refrigerator figured out. I will be interested in how it turns out. Your menu sounds good. I need to get back to menu planning. I just don't do it anymore since it is just me here. But then I end up in many a drive-through for dinner.

    1. Cooking for one can be a big challenge. When my daughter was living on her own she would spend a couple of hours each Sunday making meals and dividing them up into single serving sizes for the freezer. After a couple of weeks she had numerous choices each night.


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