
Saturday, June 22, 2019

Happy Birthday Dear Friend and The Weekly Menu

Today we are celebrating Kirsten's birthday with a casual bbq.  I have invited her Mom and John's folks over to join us.

Happy Birthday Dear Kirsten.....Happy Birthday to you.......

We will all be going to 4 pm Mass and then return here for dinner.  Tomorrow I am helping to host a Farewell Reception for our Associate Pastor who had been reassigned and given his own parish as Pastor.  This will take place after 11:30 Mass so the morning will be spent preparing for it.

I hope to make it over to our neighborhood park after the reception.  A Facebook group to which I belong is having an Eat and Greet.  It would be nice to meet some of the members in person instead of just virtually through social media.

Tuesday we have been invited over to Frank's brother's house for dinner.  Wednesday we are attending a dinner followed by a Tiger's baseball game for a retirement party.  

Thursday is Marissa's Birthday.  She will have friends over and we will order up Pizza.  On Friday we are celebrating her birthday with family.

I'm tired and the week hasn't even begun yet LOL....  What's on your menu this week?

Saturday-Kirsten's Birthday Dinner
Macaroni Salad
Broccoli Salad
Strawberry Lemon Bundt Cake

Pan Seared Duck Breasts
Mashed Potatoes
Steamed Asparagus

Meatless Monday
Grilled Cheese and Tomato Sandwiches
Homemade Potato Chips

Dinner at Dan and Rebecca's

Wednesday-Dan's Retirement Dinner and Ballgame

Thursday-Marissa's Birthday with Friends
Cupcake Cones

Friday-Marissa's Birthday with Family
Hot Dogs
Italian Sausage
Assorted Salads
Ice Cream Cake

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