
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Holy's time for the Weekly Menu already.

Life has suddenly gotten very busy for me.  And for some reason my family still wants to eat each and every day!!!

Image result for too busy to eat
image from Google images.

So I'm making a quick blog stop to post my Weekly Menu. C'mon in and sit for a moment before I have to run out the door again!

I knew when I took on the responsibility of co chairing the Fish Fry each Friday during Lent that it was a big undertaking.  I just didn't realize how big.

We feed between 300-400 people each Friday.  That means that you start working on it Wednesday when your food gets delivered.  Wednesday isn't too bad, just a couple of hours.

Thursday is prep day.  Luckily and thankfully we have lots of volunteers because there is lots to do.  Many hands make light(er) work but it was still a long day.  It isn't however the longest day....Fridays are 12-14 hr. days for a few of us.  

This morning I will be back to help finish with the cleanup and to check supplies so we can get the food order in and start all over again on Wednesday.  We sing at 4 pm Mass this afternoon.  I'm inviting Kirsten and John over for dinner afterwards.

Tomorrow is a free day.  Marissa has youth group until 1 pm and then we will be going shopping for running shoes.  Track practice starts Monday.  Let the craziness commence.

So, without further ado, here is the weekly menu.  The Kreatopita from last Thursday was replaced by Meatloaf. So that dish is moved to today.

Greek Village Salad
Carrot Cake Cupcakes

Spaghetti Pie
Mozzarella Stuffed Bread Sticks

Pork Ramen Soup

Taco Tuesday
Tuna Tacos

Albondigas Soup

Chicken Stir Fry
Steamed Rice

Fish Fry at Church

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