
Friday, March 8, 2019

California Cab Franc with a Homey Casual Meal #WinePW

You don't have to wait for company to open a nice bottle of wine.  Just a quiet, casual, family dinner can be made wonderful.  I opened this amazing bottle of Camp Cabernet Franc from Sonoma County and served it up with a homey, comforting meatloaf.

I am hosting our Wine Pairing Weekend group this month and invite you to join us as we Explore Cab Franc from Around the World.

It used to be that Cab Franc was best known as a grape used in the blend for Bordeaux wine but a lot has changed. This lovely varietal is now a force unto it's own.

And with good reason.  This medium bodied red wine is very food friendly.  In France, where it originated, this single varietal wine is called Chinon.  I find it to be lighter and spicier than it's more popular son Cabernet Sauvignon.

Believed to have been first grown in Loire Valley it was brought to the Bordeaux region in the late 18th century and was one of three varietals that make up the well known blend from that area.

This varietal is now grown around the world.  In fact, it is one of the most widely planted grapes, being grown in Asia, Europe and North America.  When you buy a Meritage wine it will normally contain Cabernet Franc.

I served mine up on a busy weeknight when I had spent all day preparing for our Church Fish Fry and had a couple of minutes to relax before running to choir practice.  It was so nice to sit and relax with meatloaf, grilled asparagus, mac and cheese and a wonderful glass of wine.

I opened up a bottle of CAMP Cab Franc from Sonoma County.  CAMP winery is part of Hobo Wine Company that created this wine to showcase the quality of Sonoma wine.  They get their grapes from smaller, responsibly farmed wineries.  Their goal is to produce food friendly, table ready, and affordable wines.

This wine pours much lighter than a Cab Sauv or Merlot. It is more brick in color.  Strong spice notes on the nose and on the tongue.  It is medium weight, not as heavy as many reds.

Thank you for stopping by to learn about Cabernet Franc Wine. Please join us for twitter chat following #WinePW on Saturday, March 9, at 11 AM ET.
Next month's WinePW will be hosted by Gwendolyn over at Wine Predator. She asks us to explore Biodynamic Wines of the World. Here's her invitation post!


  1. I love wine but I am not much of a connoisseur. I'm glad you tell me about the wine.Sounds good!

    1. You should join our WinePW group. The wine is normally easy to source and you try a different wine each month to see what works for your palate.

  2. Cabernet Franc truly is a food friendly wine. With its lighter tannins it welcomes more food! Thank you for hosting!

  3. Thanks for hosting this month, Wendy. I think your pairing with comfort food - and a few minutes of peace and quiet - is just perfect.

  4. Thanks for hosting! A nice wine on a weeknight can be just the thing, right?

  5. What a great event. Thanks for hosting. Homey casual is just the ticket sometimes, right?!

    1. It sure is Cam....I actually have a day with nothing scheduled...well other than deliver a bed to the Angel Face and taking Marissa shopping for running shoes.

  6. Love the meatloaf paired with your Cali Cab Franc...such a causal yet smart pairing!

  7. This sounds like a perfect pairing. Big fan of the Camp wines for all the reason you mention -- tasty and affordable!

  8. Love the weeknight casual approach! Thanks again for hosting!

    1. Thanks for joining us this month. Look forward to seeing you again.


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