
Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Santa Party and the Weekly Menu

Today we hosted our Annual Santa Party.  We started this tradition years ago when all the grands were just babies.  Now they are mostly teens and tweens with a couple of youngsters in the mix. 

It is my favorite party of the season each and every year........

We started this tradition because with a family as large and blended as ours, 6 siblings, spouses, ex spouses, children, step children, etc.  It was hard for us all to get together.  Our mother's birthday was December 13th, so each year we would all get together for that and it turned into our family Christmas gathering.  I began having Santa join us and the tradition has stayed alive for nearly 15 years.

The busyness of the Season is upon us.  Nearly every weekend day is booked and a lot of the weekdays as well.  We will be having extra choir practices as Christmas nears and we will be getting ready for the Food Pantry Christmas Basket distribution.

Yesterday we attended a potluck at Anchor Bay Scuba Dive Shop.  It is great getting together with our dive family each year.

This morning, as I mentioned, was our Breakfast with Santa.  This afternoon we are going across the street to celebrate Marissa's brother's birthday.

The rest of the week is jam packed with Christmas shopping, wrapping gifts, planning menus and running errands.  We still have to eat, each and every day, so here is our Weekly Menu.

Potluck- Salmon Roll-ups
Carry out Chinese after Mass

Sunday-Breakfast with Santa
Assorted Juices
Maple Glazed Sausage
Scrambled Eggs
French Toast Casserole
Bacon and Cheddar Corn Muffins
Piernik (Polish Gingerbread)
Jewish Apple Cake

Dinner at birthday celebration

Meatless Monday
Veggie Lasagna

Toddler Tuesday
Cheesy Hot Dogs
Fresh Veggies with Ranch

Pork Chops with Tomato Sauce
Fried Potatoes
Steamed Broccoli


Fish Friday
Lemon Parmesan Fish
Lemon Basil Pasta
Kale Slaw

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