
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Angel Face turns 4 and the Weekly Menu

Can you believe that my Little Miss turned four on Wednesday.  Four years!!  It seems like I was just cradling her in my arms.  And yet, I feel as if she has always been a part of my existence.  It is amazing to me how one little human can make such a vast difference in so many lives.  We are truly blessed!!

If you turn four when you are spending the night at Grammy's house you get cake for breakfast........

Today we are celebrating with a party in her back yard.  There will be a bounce house, water balloons, arts and crafts.  Not to mention cake and ice cream for all.  We are ordering in food from the local Chicken Shack.

Her birthday was actually Wednesday which means we got to wake up with her on her birthday.  I said "Wow, you're 4" and she said "I don't look 4".  LOL......I think she definitely looks 4.  Here she is heading off to school with her sack of treats for all her classmates.

Sunday is Marissa's first class for her Sacrament of Confirmation.  It is a two year process during which she will also receive the Sacrament of Baptism, Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation.  It is going to be a very emotional and rewarding two years.  I hope that you join us on this journey.  There is a 3 hr. class for the candidates and their parents this afternoon and then Marissa has tumbling class for the cheer team.  I am making a slow cooker meal for dinner so that we can eat in between functions.

Monday, I have finance council meeting at church and Frank will take Marissa to sibling therapy with her sister.  They will probably grab something for dinner afterwards and I will have leftovers.

The rest of the week is typical.  Cheer practice, doctor appointments, homework, choir.  Except for Friday.  Friday is the high school homecoming game.  Marissa is very excited.

Enjoy the Weekly Menu. Stop by each day as my friends and I share great recipes and our readers are given an opportunity to win some great prizes as we celebrate Apple Week starting tomorrow.

Country Ribs and Sauerkraut
Mashed Potatoes
Glazed Carrots

To each their own

Toddler Tuesday
Chicken Nuggets
Macaroni and Cheese
Green Beans

Chicken Pad Prik
Steamed Rice

Cheeseburger Casserole

Pan Seared Shrimp
Mushroom Risotto

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