
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Nectarine and Pork Kebabs #KitchenMatrixCookingProject #CookoutWeek

It doesn't get much easier or more delicious than nestling tender, juicy pork between nectarine and onion slices on a skewer and putting them on the grill for 15 minutes.

Join me, won't you, for Day 2 of Cookout Week...…..

We are having a ton of fun this week, sharing our favorite cookout mains, sides, drinks and desserts, and offering an awesome giveaway sponsored by some fantastic companies.  You can learn all about Cookout Week, the sponsors and enter the raffle at my Welcome Post.

Head on over and take care of that but then hurry back because there are a bunch of great recipes being shared today and the link to them all will be at the bottom of this post.

I decided to share some tender, flavorful kebabs with you today.  I made these kebabs when we had our friend Chris over for dinner one night.  Chris really enjoyed these kebabs and he is not, in his words, "normally a pork person".

These are hard to resist though, using pork tenderloin, ensures that they will be soft as butter.  Cooking them to just a perfect temperature of 145* means they will be juicy and flavorful.  The addition of onions and nectarines adds a wonderful flavor.  I always try to serve fruit with my pork dishes.  It is such a perfect pairing.

I removed these from the skewers before serving.  I often do this because some, like me, cannot eat an entire skewer but feel like if it is on their plate they must.  And others, like Frank, want more after one skewer but cannot handle two full servings.  Removing the ingredients from the skewers allows people to take as much of each item as they wish.

I also served up the Cheesey Corn Muffins, that I shared yesterday, with these kebabs and some macaroni salad that I had purchased from the deli.  It was a great meal and a great visit.  It resulted in Chris and I making plans to go skydiving.  That is taking place tomorrow.  I am very excited.

Another reason I decided to make these kebabs is because my friends, Cam of Culinary Adventures with Camilla, Karen of Karen's Kitchen Stories and I are working our way through Mark Bittman's Kitchen Matrix Cookbook.  Karen chose kebabs as this weeks topic.  

Let's take a look at their kebabs before I share my recipe and the links to all the other Cookout Week Creations.

Now on to my recipe that, in typical Bittman fashion, is more of a technique than a recipe.

#cookoutweek, #grilling, #pork, #porktenderloin, #kebabs, #kitchenmatrixcookingproject, #nectarines,
Pork, Grilling, Kebabs, Main Dishes,
Kebabs, Grilling
Yield: 4 servingsPin it

Nectarine and Pork Kebabs

It doesn't get much easier or more delicious than nestling tender, juicy pork between nectarine and onion slices on a skewer and putting them on the grill for 15 minutes.
prep time: 15 minscook time: 15 minstotal time: 30 mins


2 Pork Tenderloin
Salt and Pepper, taste
4 nectarines
1  sweet onion


Trim the pork tenderloins of all excess fat and silverskin.  Cut into about 2" chunks.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Remove the pits from the nectarines and cut into quarters.

Peel and trim the onion. Cut into quarters and divide each quarter into slices.

Thread the tenderloin, onion and nectarine onto skewers alternating between all ingredients.

Cook on a hot grill, covered, for about 15 minutes, turning halfway through the cooking time. Pork should reach an internal temperature of 145*.  Let rest for a few minutes before serving.


This recipe was inspired by The Kitchen Matrix Cookbook.
Created using The Recipes Generator

Now let's look at the other Cookout Week Creations.


  1. Pork and nectarine sounds like a fabulous combination! I usually pair pork with apples or cranberries. These look amazing. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I would have never thought to pair a nectarine with pork! But it looks soooooo yummy!! :)

  3. This is lovely! I think this recipe might convince my husband that fruit and meat really can go together.

  4. I love the fruit with the pork. Perfect pairing. I love that this worked into cookoutweek for both of us as well. =) Now... what to do for Fantastical Food Fight!

    1. I am serving Filet Mignon on a Stick. Glad I didn't switch these around since Cam did Filet for Kitchen Matrix.

  5. What a quick and tasty way to grill tenderloin...I'm so going to be making this one!!!


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