
Friday, January 12, 2018

Wining this Weekend and the Weekly Menu

Yay for Friday!!!  I don't normally get excited about Friday's because when you are retired every day is the weekend but this weekend is different.

Tonight, we are going over our daughter, Amy's, house to celebrate Doug's birthday.  Tomorrow I will be sharing a post I wrote for Sonoma, California wineries that are suffering due to the wildfires that engulfed the area.  I will be sharing some great wines from that area not only tomorrow but later in the month as well.

Then, on Sunday, we are heading north to join our friend's, Bob and Cathy, at a Wine and Dine.  These Wine and Dine events are held at the Springbrook Inn and are limited to a small number of guests. You can read about a past Wine and Dine we attended here.  I am looking very forward to this event that has the theme "Black and White".

We will spend the night at Bob and Cathy's and head home on Monday.  We will probably stop for dinner en route.

The rest of the week is routine.  We will pick up Melody on Tuesday.  Wednesday I have food pantry.  Thursday is choir and Friday we are going to try, for like the 10th time, to have a date night.  Last May we were given gift certificates for massages and also a gift card to Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Both are located about an hour away from us so we are trying to plan a date when we do both.  Something else always seems to come up before we can make our reservations.  Perhaps I should make the reservations now so that it doesn't get shoved to the back burner again.

So here is my Weekly Menu. Please stop by each day as I share recipes, photos and a bit of my life here on the farm.

Soup Saturday

Black and White-Wine and Dine

Dinner out on the way home

Toddler Tuesday
Thai Inspired Noodles

Burritos made with Leftover Chili

Mushroom Pie

Date Night


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