
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The Christmas Cookie Club; Book Review #ChristmasCookies

Welcome to Day 2 of #CookieWeek.  I love Christmas.  It is my favorite time of the year.  It is not my favorite Holiday but it is my favorite holiday season.  My favorite Holiday is Easter, I think I have already shared my reasons with you.

But as a season Christmas has Easter hands down.  We spend the time before Easter in penance and sorrow before finishing up with a huge celebration of our Lord's rebirth.  Christmas, on the other hand, is all about joy and anticipation that peaks on Christmas Day and then the celebration continues for 12 full days.....Now that's what I'm talking about!!

Some of the things we do to prepare for our Lord's birth is to decorate the house, plan menus, cut down trees, entertain with friends, spend time with family, and, of course, we bake cookies.  That is what this week is all about.

I, along with a bunch of other bloggers, under the direction of my friend, Ellen of Family Around the Table, are getting together from yesterday to Saturday and sharing our favorite old recipes as well as trying some new recipes.

This was perfect timing for me as my Sister in Law, Rebecca, is having her annual Cookie Exchange on Saturday, the final day of our Cookie Week.

Image result for the christmas cookie club book review

Another thing that I like to do during the Christmas season is to read books with a holiday twist.  My friend, Kirsten, had loaned me a book called The Christmas Cookie Club by Ann Pearlman.  Ann Pearlman lives in my home state of Michigan and this is also where the setting for the novel.

It was a nice, easy read about a dozen friends who all get together each year to have a cookie exchange.  Each chapter was about one of the people in the group.  The chapters started with a recipe for the cookies that person brought, it would then give the background story of this person and end with a small blurb about the history of one of the ingredients used in the recipe.  I LOVED the way the book was written!!!

In this short, 276 page debut novel, Pearlman is able to give the reader the feeling that she/he is sitting right in the room with all the others.  You feel their love, camaraderie, anger, sadness and joy. You want to cheer with them, cry with them, drink with them and dance with them.  And you really want to eat with them.

I will be sharing this post over at Foodies Read.  Stop by and find out what everyone else is reading during this Holiday month.

I decided to make a recipe for Double Dipped Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies and share them with you on this second day of our Cookie Week celebration.  Bake some up, grab this novel, cozy up by the fire and start your holiday season off with a smile.

It starts off with a simple classic peanut butter cookie.  The twist is that once the cookies are cooled you dip them in two different chocolates.

I adapted this recipe slightly.  Instead of dipping one side in milk chocolate, I used white chocolate and then added some colored sugar to add a little festive touch.

Double Dipped Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies
adapted from The Christmas Cookie Club

1 1/4 c. flour
1/2 t. baking powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1/2 t. salt
1 stick butter, room temperature
1/2 c. sugar
1/2 c. brown sugar, packed
1/2 c. peanut butter
1 egg
1 t. vanilla
1 1/2 c. semisweet chocolate chips
3 t. shortening, divided
1 1/2 c. white chocolate chips
Red Sprinkling Sugar, if desired

Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Set aside.

In the large bowl of a stand mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together the butter, sugar and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the peanut butter, egg and vanilla.  Reduce speed to low and gradually add the four mixture until combined.

Using a cookie scoop, roll into balls and place 2" apart on a silicone or parchment lined baking sheet.  I got 3 dozen cookies from the dough.  Using a fork, dipped in additional sugar, press the tines in a criss cross fashion over the dough flattening it into rounds.

Bake in a preheated 350* oven for 10-12 minutes, until light golden brown on the edges.  Let rest on the baking sheet for a minute before transferring the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely.

Melt the semi sweet chocolate and 1 1/2 t. shortening over a double boiler or in the microwave, stirring often, until combined and smooth.  Dip one side of each cookie into the chocolate and return to the cooled parchment or silicone to set.

When completely set.  Melt the white chocolate with the remaining shortening and dip the other side of the cookie. Place back onto the parchment or silicone mat and sprinkle with red sugar, if desired. Let cool until completely set.  Print Recipe

More Christmas Cookies

#ChristmasCookies Tuesday


  1. For once it's perfectly acceptable to double dip!!!

  2. Colleen sums this up perfectly, lol! I love that these are double dipped!

  3. What a fun twist for a PB cookie - those look and sound wonderful!!

  4. Oh those cookies look really good. It is hard to make cookies and keep my fingers out of the cookie jar!

    1. It sure is Paula. I've been keeping out a few and putting the rest in the freezer.

  5. Great cookies, and now I want to read that book!!


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