
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Celebrating #NationalFrenchToastDay on a Toddler Tuesday

Did you know that today is National French Toast Day?  It's true.  I think there are food holidays nearly every single day of the year.  You can find a list of them all over at The Nibble in the Food Holidays section.

As luck would have it, when my friend Ellen who runs our Festive Foodies Event Planning Group informed us we were going to celebrate this holiday, I had just made my Little Princess French Toast Sticks for breakfast.  

I quickly volunteered to host this party since I had already made a recipe and taken photos.  Nine of my blogging  friends decided to join me giving us ten wonderful French Toast recipes to share with you today.

National French Toast Day

I have shared a lot of French Toast recipes.  We love French Toast.  We eat it for breakfast, I serve it up for brunch and often, on busy crazy days we enjoy it for brinner.

This Blueberry French Toast Casserole was made up for our daughter when she lived in Florida and we were visiting.  French Toast is a great way to use up leftovers or stale bread.  This casserole  made with Cinnamon Raisin Bread is a popular choice here.

On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we have our granddaughter each week.  They are our favorite days and our lives (and food) revolve around this little toddler. On this morning, I made up a custard of eggs, cream, cinnamon and nutmeg.  I cut plain old white bread into strips and set them to soak up all the eggy goodness.  Then I fried them up in butter on the griddle.

I served it up with some bacon.  Little Miss doesn't like syrup on her French Toast Sticks but likes to dip them.

Grampy likes his buttered and drowned in syrup with bacon and coffee on the side.  I like mine with no butter but with syrup.  How do you like yours?

French Toast Sticks

4 eggs
1/2 c. half and half
1/2 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. freshly ground nutmeg 
2 T. butter
6 slices white bread, cut into thirds

Whisk together the eggs, cream, cinnamon and nutmeg in a large shallow bowl.  Add the bread sticks and let set for a minute, before flipping and allowing all the custard to be absorbed.

Heat a griddle (or pan) over med high heat.  When hot, melt the butter and place the strips onto the griddle in a single layer.  Reduce heat to medium and let cook for a few minutes until golden brown. Flip and let cook until the bottom is golden brown. Print Recipe


  1. I like my French toast sticks Grampy style. But I have a soft spot for butter and bacon. At least that soft spot makes sitting on hard surfaces (like high school football bleachers and park benches) very comfortable, if you know what I mean. If it gets too cushy then I cut back to just using sugar-free-syrup (*cry*). Let's hope I have a good long run! And I think these might be on the menu this weekend, if I can get breakfast made before having to run out the door. I'd hate to have to eat out. Homemade tastes worlds away from take-out!

  2. French toast is not a favorite of mine, but the boys love it, so I make it at least once every two weeks. Yours looks yummy. Thanks for hosting, Wendy.

    1. Thanks for joining in the fun that you went savory.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This looks very tasty! I agree with your grandaughter, syrup is for dipping!

  4. Could she be any more adorable? She is so lucky to have a Grammy like you to make her French Toast Sticks!

  5. I can see how these are a hit with the little one - thanks for hosting

  6. Your french toast sticks are fantastic and you also have the cutest tester.

  7. I like my French toast with butter and syrup. Yummy! Now I want some. Maybe for tomorrow morning! Harley will be thrilled!


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