
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Sweet Pepper Relish #FantasticalFoodFight

Sarah of Fantastical Sharing of Recipes invites us each month to compete in a showdown called Fantastical Food Fight.  She posts a theme each month and then we all try to create the best recipe of the group so that we can be crowned winners!!

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This month the theme is Pickled Peppers, chosen because October is National Pickled Pepper month.  Who knew?  Probably Peter Piper knew and that is why he picked a peck of them.

It just so happens that this event is taking place in the heart of canning season here on the farm.  As luck would have it, one of the items that I had decided to can was a Sweet Pepper Relish that I found in Preserving Summer's Bounty by Rodale Press.

This wonderful book sits on my shelf all year long and then each fall I pull it out and start perusing to see how I can preserve all the bounty from the Farmer's Markets that are overflowing with goodness.

Each chapter in the first part of this book focuses on different means of preserving foods: Freezing, Canning, Preserving, Pickling, Drying, Juicing and Root Cellaring.  The second part of the book contains Recipes from the Garden. It is a wonderful tool for in the kitchen and I will be sharing it with Foodies Read this month.

The recipe I am sharing came from the Pickles, Condiments and Relishes section.  There are a slew from which to pick.  I chose the Pepper-Onion Relish because I had everything I needed on hand.

This relish contains only 4 ingredients.  Using a food processor, make quick work of the prep meaning that you can have 3 or 4 lovely pints of relish ready to be put into your pantry in less than an hour.

Finely chop your onions and peppers.  Place them into a stainless steel pot with some vinegar and honey and cook for about 45 minutes.

Transfer to clean, hot jars leaving 1/4" headspace.  Seal and process in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes.  These jars were popping as soon as I pulled them out of the water.

This relish is a wonderful condiment for sandwiches, burgers or sausages.  It is nice to put out on a charcuterie board with some good bread.  I have even used it for making tartar sauce. 

However, my favorite way to serve it is to combine it with mayo, ketchup and mustard creating a delicious "secret" sauce when you're serving burgers.  YUMMO!!

Sweet Pepper Relish
adapted from Preserving Summer's Bounty by Rodale Press

1 large sweet onion
4 large bell peppers, colors of choice
4 c. apple cider vinegar
1/2 c. honey

Place the onion and peppers in the bowl of a food processor and pulse until finely chopped.  Transfer to a stainless steel pot along with the vinegar and honey.  Bring to a boil and cook, stirring occasionally for about 45 minutes, until slightly thickened.

Pack into clean, hot, pint size jars leaving 1/4" headspace.  Seal and process in a hot water bath for 5 minutes.  Alternatively you can seal, cool and store in the refrigerator.  Print Recipe

More Pickled Pepper Recipes


  1. I want that burger!!! That secret sauce sounds delicious!

  2. There is a sweet pepper relish that I mix with cream cheese for an awesome dip for crackers!!

    1. I do that with my jalapeno jelly, I will have to try it with the relish. Thanks Paula

  3. I was hoping someone would post a relish or pickled pepper recipe! I need this in my life because it looks so dang fabulous :)


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