
Saturday, August 19, 2017

Copy-Cat Big Boy Broccoli Soup #SoupSaturdaySwappers

Welcome to Soup Saturday Swappers.  I started this group as a way to unite those who, like me, were raised eating a lot of soups and stews when growing up.

Our moms had large families and small incomes and needed to make their grocery budget stretch. My mom did this by serving soups and stews several times a week.   It was a great way to feed a family of eight plus all of the friends we brought to the table with not one person leaving the table hungry.

If you like soups and would like to join our group we would love to have you, just leave your blog url and email address in the comments section of this post.  We post on the 3rd Saturday of each month based on a theme chosen by one of our members.  This months theme, Copy Cat Recipes, is being hosted by Heather of All Roads Lead to the Kitchen..

I love broccoli soup and one of my favorites is from Big Boy Restaurants.  Big Boy Restaurants can be found throughout the United States and are also located in Japan, making them an International Restaurant.  Did you know that?  I  didn't.  I thought they were a Midwestern restaurant but Wikipedia set me straight.  According to them, Big Boy was first started in California and then spread across the country.  In 2000 the company changed hands to the current owners who have also started franchises in Japan.

I wonder if they use the same recipes in Japan?  Anyway, back to my soup.  I did another google search for Big Boy Broccoli Soup and found a whole website of Top Secret Recipes from Todd Wilbur.  A search on this site landed me the recipe I adapted for my soup.

My adaptations are very slight.  I added 2 more cups of broth and 1 more head of broccoli and omitted the ham. I used an immersion blender to puree the soup.  I was amazed at how perfectly this recipe replicated that soup from Big Boy that I love.

This recipe is very easy and is ready in less than an hour.  It reheats very well and is perfect to take to work or school in a lunchbox in the event you have any leftovers.

I didn't miss the ham but I will add it next time if I have any on hand in the house.  In fact, this recipe would be very adaptable to using holiday leftovers.  I garnished each bowl with some shredded cheese before serving but failed to take a photo with the cheese garnish.

Copy-Cat Big Boy Broccoli Soup
slightly adapted from Todd Wilbur

6 c. Chicken broth
2 lg heads broccoli, florets removed and coarsely chopped
1 onion, diced
1 bay leaf
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 c. flour
1/2 c. heavy cream

Place the broth, broccoli, onion, bay leaf, salt and pepper in a large soup pot over high heat and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and simmer, covered for 30 minutes, until vegetables are tender.

Using an immersion blender, puree about half of the soup.  Combine the flour and cream.  Whisk the cream mixture into the soup, stirring until all lumps are dissolved.  Cook over low heat for an additional 10-15 minutes to allow the soup to thicken. Print Recipe

More Copy-Cat Creations


  1. Bob's Big Boy was huge here when I was growing up! We used to go there every Friday night when I was in high school. They went away, but they are beginning to come back! Thanks for the memories, and what a great soup!

    1. Here it was Elias Brother's Big Boy. They bought the franchise from Bob.

  2. Bob's Big Boy restaurants were the rave when I was growing up. I can't say that I have ever tried their broccoli soup but I do love broccoli so....better late than never!

    1. I had some last night and it was delicious. I hope you have had a chance to try it.

  3. I love broccoli soup. I will be adding this to my recipe box today

  4. Oh Wendy, can you please, please, please, make room for me at the table when you serve this soup again??? It looks amazing and although we no longer have any Big Boy's around here...I can only imagine how great this soup must taste and that you somehow managed to copy the original rather well!!! Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck - Colleen

    1. There will always be room at my table for you Colleen. How much fun would that be?!

  5. Oh, my gosh! Bob's Big Boy! I haven't heard that in years! And I love broccoli soup! Love, love, love! It sounds great! P~

    1. Thanks Paula, glad I brought back some happy food memories.

  6. Oh man, I grew up with Big Boy (and always thought it was a Midwestern thing, too)! I don't remember if I've ever tried their soup, as I haven't actually been there since I was a kid...they seem to have all disappeared in my area. But, I do love broccoli soup, so this sounds like yet another recipe I'll be making soon!

    1. Let me know how you enjoy it Heather. Thanks again for hosting.

  7. I remember Big Boy! My mom and dad would take us to the one in Kansas City. We loved it and felt so grown up. Broccoli soup is one of our staples in the winter. Can't wait to give yours a go.

  8. Broccoli soup my daughter loves it and this looks so tempting, could finish this bowl and have more..

  9. I love broccoli in any shape or form. I know we would enjoy this soup. Also, how do I join in on the Soup fun? Is the group still taking new contributors?

    My blog URL is and my email address is trishavaz(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. I will run over and invite you right now Trisha. Happy to have you on board.

  10. My husband grew up a fan or Bog Boy's broccoli soup and suggested I look for a recipe online. I made this recipe and he was thrilled! I asked how close it was to Big Boy's and he said he didn't remember, but that it didn't matter because he was so happy with the delicious results!

    1. Oh, I"m so happy. Thank you so much for stopping by to let me know.


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