
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Frozen Strawberry Daiquiris for #SundaySupper

My friend, Christie of A Kitchen Hoor's Adventures, is hosting this week's Sunday Supper.  Christie chose the fun topic of  Simple Cocktails and Mocktails for relaxing pool side.

We have been having gorgeous weather here in Michigan and I have been spending tons of time in the pool so this theme is perfect for me.  Thanks, Christie!

I drink a fair share of iced tea out here in the pool, some is spiked and some is not but I have already shared Iced Tropical Rooibos, SpIced Tea and Tipsy Palmers.  

I did decide to share a cocktail with you today so please drink responsibly and obey all laws pertaining to your Country in regards to legal age limit for consuming alcohol.  In the USA you must be 21 years of age and should never drink and drive regardless of your age.

That being said....I cannot wait to share this delicious, frosty cold, refreshing cocktail with you today. Now you can take the easy route and use a strawberry flavored daiquiri mix that you find at your local liquor store.  I often use these mixes especially during the winter months when fresh fruit isn't abundant and my freezer needs to be restocked.

Today's version of this Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri was made with garden fresh Michigan Strawberries courtesy of my adorable little Angel Face.  How can this drink not be luscious when such sweet little hands picked the fruit with which it was made?

First I cleaned, hulled and halved about a quart of the strawberries.  I added some sugar and allowed them to macerate in the refrigerator overnight. The following day I poured the strawberries and all the juices into my vitamix but any good blender will work.

I added 1 1/2 cups of white rum to the mixture.  This will make enough for 4 large frozen daiquiris.

2 1/2 cups of ice on top of all that strawberry and rum goodness will make this daiquiri icy cold and oh so refreshing.

The final element was a lime that I peeled and chunked to place in the vitamix.  Should your blender not be as heavy duty then you may just want to add the juice of 1 lime.

I hit the puree button on my machine and got busy adding a sugar rim to 4 chilled glasses.  This is completely optional but you are sitting around waiting anyway so what the heck.

Pass out the swim towels to your friends before you start pouring so they can use it to wipe the drool from their chins.  Divide the mixture between 4 glasses, pass them out and head to the pool....It is going to be a delightful afternoon!

You will find links to all the other  Simple Cocktail and Mocktail creations under this recipe.  I hope you enjoy them and have a great summer.

Frozen Strawberry Daiquiris

1 qt. strawberries
2 T. sugar
1 1/2 c. white rum
2 1/2 c. ice cubes
1 lime or juice of 1 lime
sugar for rimming glasses

Rinse, hull and halve or quarter the strawberries and place in a large bowl.  Sprinkle with the sugar, toss to distribute, cover and place in the refrigerator over night.

Pour the strawberries and all liquid into a heavy duty blender.  Add the rum, ice cubes, and lime (juice).  Puree until smooth.

Meanwhile, chill 4 large glasses by rinsing them in an ice bath.  Shake dry and then dip the rims into sugar that has been placed on a shallow plate.  

Divide the Daiquiris between the glasses.  Garnish with lime wheels, if desired.  Print Recipe

More Cocktails and Mocktails

Make Mine a Mocktail

Simply Different

Tasty and Tropical

Very Vino

For even more inspiration check out these Simple Mixed Drinks for a Refreshing Summer by Sunday Supper Movement Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.


  1. I love a slushy strawberry daiquiri---and these look perfect for sipping all summer long!

  2. Love that you added the whole lime! And yes, the weather in MI has been beyond amazing. Enjoying every moment.

  3. I love rum drinks. Even better this is made with fresh strawberries!

  4. Oh, I love that they're made with fresh strawberries. This looks like super refreshing drink.

  5. Those sound wonderful! I love your little strawberry picking model! ;)

  6. Made with fresh strawberries, it doesn't get better than that!


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