
Saturday, June 17, 2017

Provençe Meets Burgundy #FrenchWinophiles

Sometimes I feel way out of my league in this wine blogging stuff.  Especially when we visit the different regions of France.  Having been a California wine drinker all my life I am used to buying wines by varietal (Chardonnay, Cabernet, Merlot) rather than by region (Champagne, Bordeaux, Burgundy).

I have never been to France or even to Europe and geography has never been my strong suit. I have lived in the USA, my entire life and I would probably have a hard time placing the States in their proper locations.  You don't know how many times we will be flying or driving somewhere on vacation and I will suggest a side trip only to have Frank look at me as if I am crazy and respond that it is "a little" out of the way.  That usually means like several States away.

So last month when I saw that we were visiting Burgundy, I went to the wine shop and picked up a nice white burgundy to pair and share.  Then I discovered that I was in the completely wrong section of Burgundy.  The good news was that the wine I purchased, a 2013 bottle from Macon-Villages was further south and in the area that we are visiting this month.

A little trick that we learn as food bloggers is that, when pairing food with wine, you can't go wrong if you make a recipe from the same area in which the grapes are grown for the wine you are serving.

So, of course, I decided to make a chicken dish from the Provençe area.  Because that is just the way I roll....

And I am glad that I do because this Provençal chicken paired perfectly with this White Burgundy, even if they are 300 miles apart.

I made a vinaigrette flavored with Herbs de Provençe and allowed the chicken to marinate for several hours in the refrigerator.  I found this recipe on the Weber Grill website and adapted it to fit our tastes and to use what I had on hand, including Dijon mustard which is from an entirely different area of France.

I am about done rambling on....pretending that I know anything about anything.  All I do really know is what I like and I loved this wine with this chicken.  And I also know that the host of this party, Lyn of binNotes/Red Thread can provide you with much more information about this area and the wines that it offers.  You can find all of that information on Part 2 of the Tour of Burgundy..

I am sharing my recipe for this wonderful and easy Provençal chicken.  You will find links to all the other French Winophile's posts immediately following.  I am anxious to read them as I always gain fascinating information and if I follow these great bloggers long enough I will soon be able to say, with confidence, that I am a French Winophile.

Provençal Chicken
adapted from Weber's Way to Grill

1 c. dry white wine
1/3 c. good olive oil
3 T. Dijon mustard
3 T. white wine vinegar
2 T. dried Herbs de Provençe
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 large pinches kosher salt
6 chicken legs
6 chicken thighs

Place the wine, olive oil, mustard, vinegar, herbs, garlic and salt in a gallon size plastic bag that seals shut.  Seal and knead and shake until well combined.  Add the chicken legs and thighs, remove air from the bag and seal.  Place bag in the refrigerator for several hours, turning occasionally.

Heat the grill to med high heat (400*) using all burners. Turn off the middle burners leaving the remaining burners on med high.  Remove the chicken pieces from the marinade and place over the middle burners. Discard the remaining marinade and cook the chicken over indirect heat for approx. 1 hour until the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165*.  Print Recipe

More Wine Pairings from Burgundy


  1. Thanks so much for 'rolling' with the French #Winophiles this month, Wendy!

    1. Thanks for hosting, it is always a learning experience for me.

  2. That chicken looks delicious, Wendy. I think it's going into my plan for next week! And it sounds like a great pairing with the wine, too.

  3. Wendy, this might be my favorite of your posts ever! I loved hearing your confession on geography along with your Burgundy dilemma. By the way, Dijon mustard is from Burgundy, so you win in the end!

    1. Sigh.....that just goes to show how foreign all of this is to me LOL.

  4. You are so awesome! I agree with Jeff. You do know a lot and learning out loud, or in the case print, is a great way to engage everyone in your process. People spend their entire lives studying Burgundy and still don't fully understand it. Don't be so hard on yourself. Plus, learning about the world through our taste buds is pretty fun! Cheers.

  5. I smiled my way through this post. The chicken looks wonderful. I really haven't mastered the grill yet. That was always Richard's job. But I bet this would taste just as wonderful if I baked it in the oven!

    1. Yes but if you have a gas grill Paula it is very easy to learn to use and doesn't heat up the house.

  6. Ooooh, I'm crazy about Provençal food and wine and .... everything. Actually, I do connect Burgundy to Provence because we drive from Paris and Provence and stop in Burgundy. It always pairs well in my mind!

    1. Thanks Jill, perhaps one day I will be able to make that trip and connect it all in my mind as well.

  7. This looks really delicious. The Bichot wine tend to be delightful and I'm sure went wonderfully with the Provencal chicken. I really loved reading the couples dynamic here--I think we all have moments like those. :-)


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