
Saturday, February 18, 2017

Stracciattella for #SoupSwappers

Welcome to our 2nd edition of Soup Saturday Swappers.  I started this group last month and we are already up to 31 members.  The nice thing about this group is that it is so friendly and relaxed.  We post a soup recipe on the third Saturday of each month based on a theme chosen by one of the members.   Busy and can't post one month?  No problem, we will see you when your life permits. Don't like the theme?  Next month there will be a theme you may love.  Thought you were going to post but didn't get a chance to make the recipe?  Didn't think you could post but found a recipe and decided you could?  Great, either way.  We don't have to sign up ahead of time.  The linkzy code can be found on the event page and you can join in the fun as long as you post sometime during that third Saturday.  Are you a blogger interested in joining?  Let me know in the comments or on our Facebook Page.

This month, our party is being hosted by Kathy of A Spoonful of Thyme.  Kathy invited us to Go International.  Kathy says, "tell us about a favorite soup that you enjoy that has roots in another country".   The fun part of this event is that we have members from the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia...from all over the world.  So what you share may be home cooking to you and what they share may be a dish with which you are very familiar.

I decided to take a trip to Italy for my recipe.  I made this wonderful Stracciatella Soup.  Some folks call this Italian egg drop soup but the literal translation is "little shred". I just call it delicious!

I served this soup as the first course at a dinner party that I hosted for some of the people with whom Frank worked before he retired.  It was perfect because it is easily adaptable to the amount that you need, it is quick and easy to make and can be set aside and rewarmed right before serving.  I adapted this recipe from one found on by Chef John.  

I followed his suggestion of serving it with a drizzle of good olive oil but omitted the sprinkle of crushed red pepper flakes because my hubby is spice sensitive.

You will find all the other International offerings linked below my recipe.  I can't wait to see what the others have brought to share.

Stracciatella Soup
adapted from; submitted by Chef John

8 c. chicken broth
salt and pepper to taste
3 T. semolina flour
4 eggs
3 T. Parsley leaves, chopped
1/2 c. grated 3 cheese blend, Parmesan, Romano and Asiago
pinch of cayenne pepper
pinch of nutmeg

Place chicken broth in a large pot over med high heat.  Season with salt and pepper to taste.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, parsley, cheese, cayenne and nutmeg.

Whisk the egg mixture into the broth, stirring constantly.  Return to a simmer and cook until the cloudiness dispels and the soup clears. 

Ladle into bowls and serve with a drizzle of good olive oil.  Print Recipe

More International Soups


  1. I like stracciatella, but haven't actually had any in years. Wish I could reach in and grab your bowl, it looks so delicious!

    1. It is so easy to make Heather that you can have it nearly as quickly by making it.

  2. This is one of my favorites. Yours looks delicious! P~

  3. I have never had Stracciatella. I need to step out of my little box! Looks delicious!

  4. What an interesting concept. I had not heard of it, but now I want to give it a try! Happy Soup Saturday! Thanks for starting this group!

  5. I am totally loving this group so many great recipes including this one! It looks totally fab!

    1. I'm so glad Colleen. I think it is going to be a great success.

  6. I have never had this either! sounds delicious!!

  7. Simple and flavorful, I think I'll have to try this soon.

  8. This looks amazing Wendy! I'm definitely going to give it a try! Thank you so much for starting this group!

  9. Cheese in a soup then I would go for it.. delicious.


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